Upcoming Webinar: Saint, Sinner or Change Maker? Measuring the Impact of NGOs on Corporate Reputation

Saint, Sinner or Change Maker? Measuring the Impact of NGOs on Corporate Reputation

It’s a truism that today’s NGOs are political weather-makers across a wide range of issues. From the environment and consumerism to human rights and animal welfare, we see corporations often struggling with NGO-led public policy storms nationally and globally.
What is the effect of NGO campaigns on corporate reputation? Are they affecting public trust in NGOs versus business, and if so, what are the policy implications? And are businesses benefitting from their increasing level of direct engagement with NGOs?
In this webinar, Chris Coulter of GlobeScan and Robert Blood of SIGWATCH will share their latest research on NGOs, stakeholders and corporate reputation, while special guest Lee Anderson, Director of Issues Management at General Mills, will provide insight and context. Among the highlights will be the first public presentation of a new analytical tool which reveals that based on how NGOs treat them, firms can be categorised into distinct groups, from saints and sinners to responders and changemakers. We believe this has potentially significant implications for corporate reputation and stakeholder engagement.
We hope you can join us!

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