29 September 2014 – A majority of citizens (59%) in a 12-country public opinion poll believe “the social, environmental and economic challenges the world faces today are more difficult than the ones we have faced in human history.” Only one in four (25%) believe our challenges are less difficult.
In spite of this, a similar majority (63%) believe that “humanity will find a way to overcome our current challenges.” However, almost a third of citizens (31%) think it is “very or somewhat unlikely” that we will be successful.
These are the key findings from the first Hope Index Poll of 12,000 citizens conducted by the GlobeScan Foundation and its national research partners in Kenya, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Panama, Poland, Russia, Turkey, the UK, and the US.
Other findings of the GlobeScan Foundation poll include:
- One in two (53%) disagree that “the world is going in the right direction.”
- A similar one in two (52%) disagree that their “country is going in the right direction.”
- Majorities believe that global conflict is getting worse (60%), along with the world economy (52% worse) and the global environment (51%). Citizen opinion is split on whether personal freedoms are getting better (42%) or worse (43%) in the world.
The first-annual GlobeScan Foundation Poll of over 12,000 people worldwide was conducted between December 2013 and March 2014 by GlobeScan and its research partners to random samples of citizens in each country. Country results are based on mainly face-to-face interviewing and are considered accurate to within plus or minus 3.5%, 19 times out of 20. (Please see page 7 for detailed methodology by country.)
GlobeScan Foundation president Doug Miller commented, “The good news is that only three in ten citizens across the 12 countries polled are pessimistic about Humanity’s future even given the perceived magnitude of our challenges. But majorities do not like the direction the world is headed in.”
He added, “As a pollster, I’m concerned that hopelessness, if it increases further, might hold society back and become a self-fulfilling prophesy. The GlobeScan Foundation intends to further develop and track the Hope Index across more countries in order to keep monitoring this important social indicator.”
Using the answers to 12 key questions posed in the survey, GlobeScan’s experts developed a Hope Index to rate countries and groups of individuals as to their degree of hope or hopelessness.
The following chart, aggregating the weight of opinion across the 12 questions in the survey, shows that Indonesia and Kenya score highest on the Hope Index and the US and UK score lowest among surveyed countries.

The GlobeScan Foundation’s full 30-page Hope Index report, including full methodology and detailed country findings, can be downloaded here.
Media Contacts
- Doug Miller, President, The GlobeScan Foundation
- Tel: +1 519 370 0300
- Mob: +1 416 230 2231
- doug.miller@globescan.com
- Dr. Melaina Vinski, Senior Research Analyst, The GlobeScan Foundation
- Direct: +1 416 700 4005
- melaina.vinski@globescan.com
About The GlobeScan Foundation
Established in 2012, the GlobeScan Foundation is a Canadian-incorporated not-for-profit dedicated to helping achieve a sustainable and just world for all.
Partly funded by GlobeScan Incorporated, the 25-year-old stakeholder intelligence and engagement firm with offices in London, San Francisco and Toronto, the GlobeScan Foundation focuses on developing and applying a range of social science tools to help give voice to global publics, unlock collaboration and accelerate progress.
For more information, please visit: www.GlobeScanFoundation.org
Sample Size (unweighted)
Field dates
Sample frame
Survey methodology
Type of sample
India | 1133 | Sept 5-12, 2013 | 18+ | Face-to-face | National |
Indonesia | 1000 | Oct 30, 2013 to Nov 17, 2013 | 18+ | Face-to-face | Urban |
Kenya | 1001 | Nov 9-26, 2013 | 18+ | Face-to-face | National |
Mexico | 800 | Nov 21-25, 2013 | 18+ | Face-to-face | National |
Nigeria | 802 | Oct 1-14, 2013 | 18+ | Face-to-face | National |
Panama | 2352 | Sept 13-15, 2013 | 18+ | Face-to-face | National |
Pakistan | 1153 | Oct 7-14, 2013 | 18+ | Face-to-face | National |
Poland | 911 | Sept 5-12, 2013 | 18+ | Face-to-face | National |
Russia | 1046 | Dec 16, 2013 – Jan 25, 2014 | 18+ | Face-to-face | National |
Turkey | 1000 | Sept 6, 2013 – Oct 4, 2013 | 16+ | Face-to-face | National |
United Kingdom | 1043 | Sept 27, 2013 – Oct 9, 2013 | 16+ | Online Question 1, 2, and 6 |
National |
1000 | Jan 14, 2014 – Feb 22, 2014 | 18+ | Telephone Question 3, 4, and 5 |
National | |
USA | 1034 | Sept 27, 2013 – Oct 9, 2013 | 16+ | Online Question 1, 2, and 6 |
National |
1004 | January 10 – 17, 2014 | 18+ | Telephone Question 3, 4, and 5 |
National |
Research Partners
Country | Research Institute | Location | Contact |
India | Team C Voter | Noida | Yashwant Deshmukh yashwant@teamcvoter.com +91 120 424 7135 |
Indonesia | DEKA Marketing Research | Jakarta | Ratna Mulia Darmawan ratna.darmawan@deka-research.co.id +62 21 723 6901 |
Kenya | Research Path Associates Ltd. | Nairobi | Charles Onsongo charles.onsongo@rpa.co.ke +254 20 2734770 |
Mexico | Parametría | Mexico City | Francisco Abundis fabundis@parametria.com.mx +52 55 2614 0089 |
Nigeria | Market Trends | Lagos | Jo Ebhomenye joebhomenye@hotmail.com +234 1734 7384 |
Panama | Dichter & Neira | Panama City | Gabriel Neira gneira@dichter-neira.com +507 236 4000 |
Pakistan | Gallup Pakistan | Islamabad | Ijaz Shafi Gilani isb@gallup.com.pk +92 51 2655630 |
Poland | CBOS | Warsaw | Michal Feliksiak m.feliksiak@cbos.pl +48 22 628 37 04 |
Russia | CESSI Institute for Comparative Social Research | Moscow | Vladimir Andreenkov vladimir.andreenkov@cessi.ru +7 495 650 55 18 |
Turkey | Yöntem Research Consultancy Ltd. | Istanbul | Mehmet Aktulga mehmet.aktulga@yontemresearch.com +90 212 278 12 19 |
United Kingdom | GlobeScan | Toronto | Robin Miller robin.miller@globescan.com +1 647 528 2767 |
USA | GlobeScan | Toronto | Robin Miller robin.miller@globescan.com +1 647 528 2767 |
Question Wording
Q1 Thinking about [Country], please tell me if you think each of the following are getting better or getting worse? Would that be a lot or a little?
01 – A lot better
02 – A little better
03 – A little worse
04 – A lot worse
05 – Staying the same/Both/Depends/Neither
99 – DK/NA
a)Personal freedom in [Country]
b)Economic situation in [Country]
c)Environmental situation in [Country]
d)Conflict between groups in [Country’s] society
Q2 Thinking about the world as a whole, please tell me if you think each of the following are getting better or getting worse? Would that be a lot or a little
01 – A lot better
02 – A little better
03 – A little worse
04 – A lot worse
05 – Staying the same/Both/Depends/Neither
99 – DK/NA
a)Personal freedom in the world
b)Economic situation in the world
c)Environmental situation in the world
d)Conflict between groups in global society
Q3 I’m now going to read you a number of opposite statements. For each, please tell me which is closest to your personal opinion?
01 – We as a society focus too much on the future and not enough on the present
02 – We as a society focus too much on the present and not enough on the future.
03 – Equally on the future and present
04 – Hard to say/Depends/Other
99 – DK/NA
Q4 I’m now going to read you a number of opposite statements. For each, please tell me which is closest to your personal opinion?
01 – The social, environmental and economic challenges the world faces today are LESS difficult than the ones we have faced in human history
02 – The social, environmental and economic challenges the world faces today are MORE difficult than the ones we have faced in human history
03 – The challenges are the same as those faced in human history
04 – Neither one nor the other/depends
99 – DK/NA
Q5 How likely, if at all, do you think it is that humanity will find a way to overcome our current social, environmental and economic challenges?
01 – Very likely
02 – Somewhat likely
03 – Not very likely
04 – Not at all likely
99 – DK/NA
Q6t Please tell me if you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree or strongly disagree with each of the following statements?
01 – Strongly agree
02 – Somewhat agree
03 – Somewhat disagree
04 – Strongly disagree
05 – Depends/Neither agree nor disagree
99 – DK/NA
at) The world is going in the right direction
bt) [Country] is going in the right direction
ct) Our children and grandchildren will have a higher quality of life than we do today
dt) The benefits of modern technology are greater than its risks
et) Security measures against terrorism go too far because they infringe on my personal freedom and right to privacy
f) I am personally acting to do my part in solving humanity’s challenges