Our recent research on the climate and nature nexus clearly demonstrates that companies need to take more balanced, integrated approaches to climate and nature in their sustainability/ESG strategies, programs, and engagement. Climate and nature are deeply interconnected, and focusing too narrowly on carbon often results in missed opportunities and adverse consequences for nature and people.
Over 80 percent of experts strongly agree on the need for companies to take much more integrated approaches to effectively address nature, climate, and social issues. Over seven in ten experts favor companies emphasizing both climate and nature and their interconnections or leading with nature to effectively engage internal and external stakeholders. However, expert views in the Global South are more divided, with 59 percent favoring climate and nature or nature alone and 38 percent preferring to lead with climate.
Among the general public, 78 percent of people think environmentally responsible companies should focus equally on climate and nature (62%) or mainly on nature (16%).
One of the experts surveyed emphasizes how companies must broaden the focus onto other issues associated with climate to effectively engage stakeholders and the general public: “Just a carbon lens can be quite diminishing and doesn’t cover the full picture at all, especially when we include areas like water. It can’t just be about measuring carbon. It has to be more and more holistic.” (Finance Leader)
Learn more in GlobeScan’s new report: The Climate & Nature Nexus: Taking Action on Integrated Approaches
Survey Question: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Companies need to take much more integrated approaches to effectively address nature, climate, and social issues.
Source: GlobeScan Climate & Nature Nexus Report, November 2023 (online survey of 204 subject matter experts across 47 countries conducted in September ‒ October 2023)