The COP28 climate negotiations in Dubai have highlighted the importance of equity, nature, and the Just Transition to a sustainable, low-carbon economy. Prioritizing people and rights-based approaches is also key to companies’ efforts to address climate change and protect nature. The transition to an inclusive green economy has the potential to create many millions of new, high-quality jobs. On the other hand, carbon tunnel vision can diminish impact, lead to adverse trade-offs, and leave many people behind.
Over 90 percent of stakeholders agree that initiatives to protect and restore nature are essential for a Just Transition for all. A large majority of experts surveyed consider social initiatives that advance inclusive development, livelihoods, and human rights to be very or extremely important for lasting, long-term progress on climate and nature (e.g., living wage, land rights, gender equity, retraining).
Companies need to understand these connections and take more integrated approaches to ensure that their programs for climate and nature are as effective, inclusive, and impactful as possible. Key steps include applying good practices for rights-based approaches such as the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, Free, Prior, and Informed Consent (FPIC), and empowering under-represented and vulnerable populations.
In addition, well-designed nature-based solutions (NBS) can be a powerful tool that provides multiple, reinforcing benefits for people, climate, and nature. Examples include funding community management of nature- and carbon-rich landscapes and regenerative agriculture methods that jointly improve soil health and water quality while improving the livelihoods of farmers.
Learn more in GlobeScan’s new report: The Climate & Nature Nexus: Taking Action on Integrated Approaches
Survey Question: Q1 How important are each of the following social actions to make lasting, long-term progress on protecting and restoring nature and biodiversity? Q2 How important are each of the following social actions to make lasting, long-term progress on mitigating and adapting to climate change?
Split sample: Climate n=102; Nature n=102
Source: GlobeScan Climate & Nature Nexus Report, November 2023 (online survey of 204 subject matter experts across 47 countries conducted in September ‒ October 2023)