Grains of Truth 2023 Report

This is the third edition of the Grains of Truth report series, our global consumer initiative in partnership with EAT. This year the study looks at the impact of the cost of living on access and views on healthy and sustainable food, as well as the actors who can make the most change.

The research also looks at consumer attitudes and behaviours more generally around eating healthily, as well as their concerns about the food system and the barriers to change. The study also details the significant differences in these views between age groups.

Key findings include:

  • Nearly half of consumers worldwide (48%) think national governments are doing a very poor job of helping the public eat healthy and sustainable diets
  • In contrast, three-quarters of consumers worldwide think Chefs (77%) and NGOs (75%) are doing a very good or satisfactory job helping consumers.
  • Nearly four in ten consumers (38%) say they have bought an increased amount of environmentally friendly fresh food in the past year.
  • For those who find it difficult to buy healthy and sustainable food, more than half (52%) say it is because they cannot afford it, and a third (33%) say it is because it is not available.

This report presents the insights gained from this research, with the hope of contributing to the transformation of the global food system.