The year 2024 is set to be one of significant volatility and uncertainty, where many feel worried about a range of radical transformations and simultaneous challenges whether political, social, technological, economic, or environmental.
GlobeScan’s global public opinion research shows that the public across all regions and demographics largely feel that they cannot keep up with a fast-changing world: nearly eight in ten people worldwide (78%) believe that “the world is changing too quickly for me,” indicating an overall sense of anxiety in this current state of polycrisis.
With people feeling overwhelmed with the pace and intensity of change, it will become increasingly difficult to build confidence in the emerging agendas of government as well as business, highlighting the need for a just transition where people feel that they are included in the potential benefits of a rapidly changing future, or at least understand what it will bring and how they will be supported. Failing that, a growing proportion of the global public might reject ambitious policy or business agendas, or become dismissive and retrench in the status quo – with severe implications for the sustainability agenda from climate to DE&I.
Find out more about future dynamics and the implications for companies, governments, and NGOs during this time of great uncertainty by listening to our latest webinar 2024: Preparing for a Pivotal Year.
Survey Question: For each of the following statements, please indicate if you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree, or strongly disagree. – The world is changing too quickly for me.
Source: GlobeScan Radar Trends Report (survey of 29,565 people in the general public across 31 countries and territories in July ‒ August 2023)