Influence of Chefs and NGOs on Sustainable Eating

The Influence of Chefs and NGOs Is Key to Inspiring Healthy and Sustainable Eating

Since 2021, GlobeScan has partnered with EAT, a science-based global platform for food system transformation, to conduct the Grains of Truth consumer research series. This annual survey, conducted in 31 markets worldwide, delves into consumers’ concerns about the current food system, their attitudes and behaviors toward consuming healthy and sustainable food, and their viewpoints on who should lead the transformation of the food system. 

The study shows that people worldwide are more likely to say that chefs and NGOs are doing a good job helping consumers eat healthy and sustainably. In contrast, consumers worldwide see national and sub-national governments to be doing a relatively poor job of helping the public eat healthy and sustainable diets. Net ratings for government encouragement of healthy eating (good minus poor ratings) are negative for 24 out of the 31 countries surveyed. 

However, there are some regional differences. While Latin Americans, North Americans, and Europeans look mainly to chefs, NGOs, and to some extent food and beverage companies as key influencers of healthy and sustainable eating habits, people in Asia-Pacific and in Africa and the Middle East point to a variety of actors – including national and sub-national governments as well as the UN.


The influence of chefs and NGOs is key to inspiring healthy and sustainable eating habits in many parts of the world and could be leveraged to nudge the global population toward changing their eating habits. However, perceptions vary across regions, and in some places healthy and sustainable eating may be better achieved through government action.

Survey Question: Please rate the performance of each of the following actors in your country to help people eat healthy and environmentally friendly diets. Please rate each actor’s performance from very good to very poor.

Source: GlobeScan and EAT Grains of Truth Report (survey of 29,565 people in the general public across 31 countries and territories in July ‒ August 2023)