GlobeScan’s public opinion research highlights a sharp divide between Democrats and Republicans on many issues such as climate change as noted in last week’s Insight of the Week. However, our data show that there is surprising consensus among Americans on the responsibility of large companies to ensure fair treatment for all employees and job applicants regardless of gender, race, religion, or sexual orientation.
Nearly eight in ten Democrats (78%) believe that large companies must prevent discrimination based on these factors. This belief is echoed by 72 percent of Republicans and 74 percent of Independents. While perspectives on what constitutes fairness can vary across political lines, Americans remain united in their expectation that companies act fairly and without bias. Americans are also more likely to expect fair treatment for all employees and job applicants regardless of gender, race, religion, or sexual orientation (75%) compared to other G7 countries such as Germany (69%), Italy (65%), France (62%), and Japan (55%).
At a time when “fairness” has become polarized and politicized, a clear majority of Americans across political lines expect companies to ensure fair treatment for all employees and job applicants. But fairness is not a one-size-fits-all concept; it can mean different things to different people. Rather than retreating in the face of ideological debates, the key is for businesses to engage with their workforce, listen to diverse perspectives, and ensure their policies reflect an inclusive and practical definition of fairness, grounded in their core values.
These insights are based on GlobeScan’s Radar research which draws on over two decades of public opinion polling. The latest findings are from a representative online survey of more than 30,000 people across 31 countries and territories, offering a unique lens into societal expectations and priorities.
Survey Question: Below are things some people say should be part of the responsibilities of large companies. For each one, please indicate to what extent you think companies should be held responsible. – Treating all employees and job applicants fairly, regardless of gender, race, religion, or sexual orientation.
Source: GlobeScan Radar Trends Report (survey of 30,216 people in the general public in July ‒ August 2024)