How Consumers Expect Businesses to Act Responsibly

Beyond One-Size-Fits-All: How Expectations for Business Differ by Region

GlobeScan’s latest public opinion data show that while people worldwide expect large companies to provide safe products and fair wages, priorities vary significantly by region, highlighting that a one-size-fits-all approach to corporate responsibility will not work.

Environmental protection is a top expectation in most regions, except in North America where labor issues take precedence, such as the provision of fair wages and good jobs as well as the fair treatment of employees and job applicants regardless of gender, race, religion, or sexual orientation. In Asia-Pacific, product transparency is a key concern, likely shaped by past product safety issues. Meanwhile, in Africa and the Middle East, people place greater importance on companies contributing positively to society with a clear vision for making the world better.


Companies can no longer rely on a blanket approach to sustainability – what works in one region may not resonate in another. As expectations, needs, and priorities vary greatly worldwide, businesses must tailor their strategies and programs at the regional level to remain relevant and effective.

GlobeScan’s upcoming Localized Sustainability report will explore these regional dynamics, drawing on insights from Chief Sustainability Officers (CSOs) across five regions and GlobeScan’s global public opinion research. This study will help businesses understand common needs and design more regionally responsive, impact-driven strategies.

Survey Question: Below are things some people say should be part of the responsibilities of large companies. For each one, please indicate to what extent you think companies should be held responsible.

Source: GlobeScan Localized Sustainability report (survey of 30,216 people in the general public in July ‒ August 2024)​