Complementary Studies Provide Glimpses into Consumers’ Minds During Most Difficult Year in Modern History

Amidst the uncertainty of the world during a global pandemic, two key pieces of 2020 research offered hope and optimism about what purpose-driven brands can achieve in 2021 — buoyed by new attitudes, opinions, and desires from consumers.

In a year like no other in recent memory , 2020 inspired and informed countless consumer research studies — the findings are largely shaped by what was top-of-mind for individuals during the COVID-19 crisis.

Did sustainability concerns make the list?

Explore this new interview, featuring Chris Coulter, CEO of GlobeScan whose 2020 Healthy & Sustainable Living Study revealed the attitudes of 27,000 people in 27 countries; and Etienne White, VP of Sustainable Brands™’ Brands for Good initiative which continues to measure consumer progress against adopting sustainable behaviors, as part of its Socio-Cultural Trend Tracker.

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