On September 12, GlobeScan hosted a webinar with the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM) to explore the latest perspectives on opportunities and challenges facing the sector.
ICMM’s CEO Tom Butler and Research Manager Fernanda Diez were joined by GlobeScan co-CEO Chris Coulter and Associate Director Lionel Bellier for a lively and evidence-rich discussion on the mining industry’s progress towards sustainable development, and the role of ICMM in channelling industry leadership in responsible business practices.
Drawing on GlobeScan’s primary research amongst ICMM’s stakeholders the webinar generated dialogue on the industry challenges, the role of ICMM, and examined the success and failure of both ICMM and its members in achieving continuous improvements and fostering sustainable development. Particular attention was devoted to refining understanding of the industry’s most salient value points and areas of contribution to society. An interactive Q&A session at the end helped to engage the audience around possible solutions and initiatives that can help shift perceptions towards a more positive narrative.
Webinar Recap | Stakeholder Perceptions Towards Mining Industry: Opportunities and Challenges
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