What Will It Take For Canadians To Wake Up To The Threats of Extreme Weather?

Majority think climate change is causing more frequent storms, but aren’t taking action to protect their homes and communities TORONTO, 19 March 2014 – Heavy rainstorms, snowfall and floods increasingly dominate news headlines, with extreme weather events directly affecting more than 3.5 million Canadians in 2013. According to the seventh annual RBC Canadian Water Attitude Study, three-quarters of Canadians (74 per cent) agree that climate change will cause these events to happen more frequently. Yet just 23 per cent are concerned … “What Will It Take For Canadians To Wake Up To The Threats of Extreme Weather?”

How Much Do Stakeholders Trust Corporate Sustainability Ratings?

This article was originally published on GreenBiz.com, as part of our Proof Points blog series. 21 February 2014 – Who do you trust to interpret data for your business decisions? If you’re a CEO, it may be the members of your executive team; if you’re a mainstream investor, you may look to Bloomberg or the Dow Jones Index to decipher the data on Wall Street. But what if you’re a sustainability professional? With companies producing increasingly transparent sustainability reports, each with extensive … “How Much Do Stakeholders Trust Corporate Sustainability Ratings?”

Quality of Life Improved by Solar Lanterns: New Survey of Rural Haitians

Quality of Life Improved by Solar Lanterns New survey of rural Haitians documents multiple benefits of solar lights NEW YORK – 22 January 2014 – A new study by the GlobeScan Foundation and MPOWERD Inc. demonstrates the significant improvements in quality of life that solar lights can deliver for rural Haitian families. The research was conducted to evaluate and measure the impact of MPOWERD’s Luci inflatable solar lantern on economically disadvantaged families living in rural Haiti. According to the report (download … “Quality of Life Improved by Solar Lanterns: New Survey of Rural Haitians”

Redefining Sustainability in Asia

Redefining Sustainability in Asia This article was originally published in K Magazine PARIS – 16 January 2014 – Attitudes to business in the three largest Asian economies are changing. There’s a need for companies to balance opportunity with responsibility, says GlobeScan co-CEO, Christophe Guibeleguiet. While the economic opportunities in China, India and Indonesia are enormous, companies are now coming face-to-face with the responsibilities involved. Over the past year, major environmental disasters, food contamination scandals and stronger government demands for corporate citizenship have disrupted … “Redefining Sustainability in Asia”

New Survey Helps Move “Materiality” Beyond the Buzzword

This article was originally published on GreenBiz.com, as part of our Proof Points blog series. 7 January 2014 – “Materiality” was 2013’s sustainability buzzword. This is largely due to the Global Reporting Initiative’s (GRI) G4 framework, launched in May, that moved the concept of materiality into the heart of sustainability reporting and consequently into the bedrock of sustainability strategy. According to the GRI, material issues are those that have “direct or indirect impact on an organization’s ability to create, preserve or erode economic, environmental and … “New Survey Helps Move “Materiality” Beyond the Buzzword”

Stakeholder Collaboration Key to Curbing the Harmful Use of Alcohol

Stakeholder Collaboration Key to Curbing the Harmful Use of Alcohol AB InBev and GlobeScan release report highlighting crowd-sourced outcomes of online Well-Being and Responsibility Forum BRUSSELS, 17 DECEMBER 2013 – Anheuser-Busch InBev (Euronext: ABI) (NYSE: BUD) and stakeholder research firm GlobeScan today published a report (download here) detailing the outcomes of its Well-Being and Responsibility Forum, the first-ever online conversation on the harmful use of alcohol convened by a global brewer. As part of AB InBev’s Better World corporate social responsibility strategy, the … “Stakeholder Collaboration Key to Curbing the Harmful Use of Alcohol”

Extended Leadership: How to Accelerate Progress in Sustainability to 2020

On December 5th, along with our colleagues at SustainAbility, we hosted a webcast on Extended Leadership: How to Accelerate Progress in Sustainability to 2020, featuring Miguel Pestana, VP of Global External Affairs & Media Relations at Unilever. As indicated by their top ranking in the GlobeScan-SustainAbility Leadership Survey 2011-2013, Unilever is at the forefront of corporate sustainability leadership. Led by Mark Lee, Executive Director of SustainAbility, and Chris Coulter, CEO of GlobeScan, this webcast explored how Unilever stays atop sustainability rankings … “Extended Leadership: How to Accelerate Progress in Sustainability to 2020”

Green Consumers Alive and Well, but Living in Emerging Economies

This article was originally published on GreenBiz.com, as part of our Proof Points blog series. 5 December 2013 – To those of us seemingly surrounded by climate burnout and indifference, it is perhaps comforting that important places in the world are experiencing their first big wave of green consumerism. This is the picture that emerges from GlobeScan’s latest 20-country consumer poll that tracks climate concerns and low-carbon behavior. Results show low-carbon consumer behavior is surging in emerging economies such as China, India, Indonesia and Mexico. Asked … “Green Consumers Alive and Well, but Living in Emerging Economies”

Can Aspirationals Help Make Sustainable Consumption Cool?

This article was originally published by Sustainable Brands on November 13, 2013 Last month, BBMG, GlobeScan and SustainAbility released The 2013 Aspirational Consumer Index, a report that confirms the rise of nearly 2.5 billion consumers globally who are uniting style, social status and sustainability values to redefine consumption. According to the report, more than one-third of consumers globally (36.4%) identify as Aspirationals, defined by their love of shopping (78%), desire for responsible consumption (92%) and their trust in brands to act in the … “Can Aspirationals Help Make Sustainable Consumption Cool?”

Survey Reveals Sustainability is Stalled at Most Companies

This article was originally published on GreenBiz.com, as part of our Proof Points blog series. 5 November 2013 – Ask sustainability executives about the most important leadership challenges facing their companies today and they’ll probably point to the task of integrating sustainability into core business functions. Not surprisingly, only one in five companies in a new survey reports having significant levels of integration of sustainability across the business. The findings, from the 2013 BSR/GlobeScan State of Sustainable Business Survey, tell us two things: Sustainability … “Survey Reveals Sustainability is Stalled at Most Companies”