Views of China and India Slide While UK’s Ratings Climb

Download the Full Report (PDF) 22 May 2013 – Positive views of China and India have fallen sharply around the world over the last year, a new 25-country poll for BBC World Service indicates. The poll also finds that views of the UK have improved in the wake of its hosting of the 2012 Olympics, making the UK the third most positively rated country. Of the other fifteen countries rated, nine saw their ratings positive worsen this year while the UK … “Views of China and India Slide While UK’s Ratings Climb”

Majority of Canadian Youth Feel They Can Make a Difference in the World

Boys and Girls Clubs of Canada releases new survey that shows 83% of Canadian youth feel they can make a difference in the world when loved and supported by family and friends  Download Infographic English | French OTTAWA, CANADA – 23 May 2013 – Boys and Girls Clubs of Canada (BGCC) today released a unique survey where Canadian youth as young as 8 years old answered the question “what makes you feel confident?” For the 83% of Canadian youth who feel … “Majority of Canadian Youth Feel They Can Make a Difference in the World”

Global Study Finds Peers, Consumer Reviews Now Rival Certifications As Top Sources of Trust on Product Sustainability Claims

Traditional company communications are least trusted sources of information on sustainability NEW YORK CITY – 21 May 2013 – Trust is no longer in your hands. According to a study by GlobeScan, SustainAbility, and BBMG, social sources of trust like consumer reviews, blogs and message boards (28%) as well as friends, family and co-workers (27%) now rival traditional sources like certifications (40%) and media reports (31%) as consumers’ most trusted sources for determining whether a product is socially and environmentally responsible. Barely one … “Global Study Finds Peers, Consumer Reviews Now Rival Certifications As Top Sources of Trust on Product Sustainability Claims”

From ‘Informed’ to ‘Disengaged’: The Six Ways Indians View Global Warming

27 August 2012 – A new national study in India finds six distinct groups within the Indian public that respond to the issue of climate change in very different ways, according to a new report, “Global Warming’s Six Indias” by researchers at Yale University. “One of the first rules of effective communication is ‘know your audience,’” said Dr. Anthony Leiserowitz, lead author of the report. “This study should help climate change communicators and educators in India raise public awareness and understanding … “From ‘Informed’ to ‘Disengaged’: The Six Ways Indians View Global Warming”

When Will Emerging Economies Embrace Sustainability?

This article by Eric Whan originally appeared on, as part of our Proof Points blog series.  15 May 2013 – Each year, GlobeScan’s Sustainability Leaders survey asks experts to name a company they regard as a leader in sustainability. As Joel Makower noted recently, one company above all others — Unilever — has emerged as the sustainability champion par excellence in recent years, thanks to its highly ambitious Sustainable Living Plan. And this year, more than one in four experts mention the company is stretching its lead over the … “When Will Emerging Economies Embrace Sustainability?”

Consumers Rank Ingredient Transparency Among Most Important Issues For Brands

NEW YORK CITY – 25 April 2013 – A study by The Regeneration Roadmap – a joint project by GlobeScan, SustainAbility, and BBMG – finds that nearly 9 in 10 consumers globally (86%) say “ingredient transparency is extremely important or very important” for companies to address as part of their products, services, or operations, including 88% of consumers in emerging markets and 84% of consumers in developed markets. However, only 57% regularly “check the list of ingredients before purchasing” products, highlighting the gap between interest and action … “Consumers Rank Ingredient Transparency Among Most Important Issues For Brands”

Weather Drives American Public’s Climate Concern

Download the Press Release (PDF) 18 April 2013 – As Earth Day approaches (Monday 22 April), a GlobeScan poll of American public opinion has found that Superstorm Sandy last October appears to have increased the perceived seriousness of climate change, much as Hurricane Katrina affected public opinion seven years ago. GlobeScan surveyed a representative sample of 1,000 Americans by telephone last month (March 2013) and found the percentage of Americans rating climate as “very serious” increased from 39 percent (in 2011) … “Weather Drives American Public’s Climate Concern”

How Companies and Weather May Sway Public Opinion on Climate

This article by GlobeScan Chairman, Doug Miller originally appeared on, as part of our Proof Points blog series.  12 April 2013 – One challenge U.S. companies face in dealing with global issues is the significant difference that sometimes exists between public opinion in America and in the rest of the world. Nowhere has the difference in perspective and opinion been more evident than in concern over climate change. For much of the decade between 1995 to 2005, Americans were significantly less concerned … “How Companies and Weather May Sway Public Opinion on Climate”

First Dynamic, Open-source Data and Journalism Project to Explore Linkage between Water, Food and Energy

26 March 2013 – Circle of Blue, a team of award-winning journalists and researchers reporting on water and other worldwide resource issues, and the Institute for Globally Transformative Technologies (LIGTT) at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, a pioneer in bringing scientific solutions to critical global problems, have partnered to create Choke Point: Index, the first dynamic, open-source data and on-the-ground journalism project exploring the globally significant competition between water, food, and energy. The world’s demand for fresh water is growing so fast that, by 2030, … “First Dynamic, Open-source Data and Journalism Project to Explore Linkage between Water, Food and Energy”

Drip, Drip: Canadians Much Quicker to Repair an Internet Outage than a Leaky Faucet

Just one drop per second wastes 25 litres a day of clean, fresh water Download Infographic (PDF) 20 March 2013 – While most Canadians (75 per cent) would fix an internet outage within a few hours or a day, and two-thirds (64 per cent) would repair a TV reception problem that quickly, only half (52 per cent) would fix a leaky faucet within the same timeframe. Further, one-third of Canadians (33 per cent) would take up to a week or more … “Drip, Drip: Canadians Much Quicker to Repair an Internet Outage than a Leaky Faucet”