“Inclusive Innovation” Offers Opportunity for the Financial Sector to Grow and Re-engage with Society: New Report Download the Future of Finance Report (PDF) 16 December 2011 – Global banking and financial sector experts see opportunities for the financial sector to grow and re-engage with society through “inclusive innovations,” a new report launched today, The Future of Finance, has found. Economic and regulatory uncertainty in many countries, and a degree of popular resentment exemplified by protests and a decline in reputation, presents … “GlobeScan and the Haas Center for Responsible Business release: The Future of Finance”
[jumplinks] Download the Press Release (PDF) 15 December 2011 – At the end of a year that has seen multiple revolutions in the Middle East, a new BBC global poll across 22 countries shows that a narrow majority thinks the Arab Spring protests were a good thing. The poll, conducted by GlobeScan among 21,558 people, reveals that 55% on average see the protests as “mostly positive,” with just over a quarter (28%) feeling they were “mostly negative”, and the rest undecided. … “Widespread Support for Arab Spring Protests: Global Poll”
[jumplinks] Download the Press Release (PDF) 15 December 2011 – Unemployment has joined corruption and poverty among the world’s most talked-about global issues, according to a new poll for the BBC across 23 countries. The 11,293 people surveyed for the annual World Speaks poll by GlobeScan between July and September were asked to say which of a range of global issues they had talked about with friends and family over the past month. On average across the countries polled, nearly a … “Unemployment Rises as “Most Talked-About” Problem: Global Poll”
Social Good Survey Finds Engaging Donors Personally through Multiple Channels is Key to Securing Support in Tough Economy Download the 2011 Social Good Survey (PDF) 6 December 2011 – People in the United States and United Kingdom overwhelmingly trust nonprofits and charities ahead of governments and corporations to create social change, yet most say they will make charitable donations at the same or reduced levels as last year, according to a new survey by Fenton and GlobeScan. The 2011 Social Good Survey examines … “Americans and British View Nonprofits as Effective Change Makers Yet Still Plan to Give the Same or Less”
[jumplinks] Download the Press Release (PDF) 25 November 2011 – Public opinion in many countries with nuclear power programmes has become more opposed to the technology since 2005, with most people believing conservation and renewable energy can meet future needs without nuclear power, a new multi-country poll for the BBC indicates. Most of those polled in countries with operational nuclear plants are opposed to building new reactors, saying either that their country should “use the nuclear power stations we already have, … “Opposition to Nuclear Energy Grows: Global Poll”
Globescan’s Chris Coulter and BSR’s Aron Cramer discuss this year’s survey Download the Full Report (PDF)Download the Fact Sheet (PDF) 2 November 2011 – Results from the “BSR/GlobeScan State of Sustainable Business Poll 2011,” released today at the BSR Conference 2011, show that global businesses remain highly committed to sustainability. For the second straight year, more than eight in 10 respondents (84 percent) are optimistic that global businesses will embrace CSR/sustainability as part of their core strategies and operations in the next … “Widespread Optimism on Crucial Role of Sustainability in Corporate Strategy”
[jumplinks] Download the Press Release (PDF) 2 November 2011 – Consumers in many of the world’s major industrialised economies are pessimistic about economic prospects in their country, while those in emerging economies are much more upbeat, according to a new 25-nation poll for BBC World Service. The poll of 25,438 people was conducted by GlobeScan between July and September this year. Respondents were asked to say whether they expect good or bad economic times in the next year, and also over … “Rich Nations Gloomy, Emerging Economies Upbeat: Global Consumer Confidence Poll”
14 October 2011 – As the Occupy Wall Street protests continue, public respect for the banking sector has reached a new low in the US and UK, according to new polling research released by GlobeScan today. GlobeScan polled 500 adults each in the UK and US as part of the annual GlobeScan Radar 24-country global public opinion study on business and its role in society. The findings show that a majority of Americans (55%) now say they have “little” or “no” … “Public Respect for Banks Lower than Ever”
11 October 2011 – Consumers across the world remain firm in their belief that their shopping choices can make a positive difference for farmers and workers in developing countries, according to a new global survey of 17 000 consumers in 24 countries conducted for Fairtrade International by international research consultancy GlobeScan. Six out of ten consumers (59%) feel empowered to make a difference through their shopping choices. This conviction remains as strong as or stronger than at the outset of the … “Shopping Choices Can Make a Positive Difference to Farmers and Workers in Developing Countries”
Shopping Choices Can Make a Positive Difference to Farmers and Workers in Developing Countries: Global Poll 11 October 2011 – Fairtrade is cementing its position as a market leader in ethical labels and a trusted brand across 24 countries, according to a comprehensive global study of 17,000 consumers carried out for Fairtrade International by international opinion research consultancy GlobeScan. The study showed that Fairtrade is the most widely recognized ethical label globally. Nearly six in ten consumers (57%) across the 24 … “High Trust and Global Recognition Makes Fairtrade an Enabler of Ethical Consumer Choice”