The 2019 BSR/GlobeScan State of Sustainable Business Survey | Report

About the Survey The BSR/GlobeScan 11th Annual State of Sustainable Business Survey communicates the sustainability issues that companies are most focused on today. The survey includes responses from business leaders representing 125 global companies. Introduction The world is changing at a rapid pace. New technologies, shifting cultural norms, evolving economic structures, and unprecedented environmental threats are reshaping the planet. This survey provides insight into the world of sustainable business and identifies common perceptions and practices of corporate sustainability professionals. This is … “The 2019 BSR/GlobeScan State of Sustainable Business Survey | Report”

Driving Corporate Action Towards Accomplishing the SDGs | Report

In July 2019, GRI, the global sustainability reporting standard setter, and Enel, a global power company, announced a partnership to explore how the private sector can actively contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). To do so, GRI and Enel partnered with global insights firm, GlobeScan, to host a series of real-time, online, text-based discussion sessions. Forum 1 consisted of two 90-minute discussions on 8 October 2019. The event attracted 394 participants from 56 countries around the world, and 12 … “Driving Corporate Action Towards Accomplishing the SDGs | Report”

Report: High Cost and Lack of Support are Key Barriers to More Healthy and Sustainable Living

New research across 25 countries reveals significant opportunities for business and government to enable sustainable living for the benefit of both people and the planet Just-released global opinion research shows that many people are very interested in leading healthy and sustainable lives, but that there is a broad gap between intent and action. People say they need business and government to help, not least by providing products and services that make healthy and sustainable living easy and affordable. The Healthy … “Report: High Cost and Lack of Support are Key Barriers to More Healthy and Sustainable Living”

Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions: Perspectives from the SDG 16 Leadership Forum | Report

SDG Goal 16 Leadership Forum hosted by Anglo American / GlobeScan Read the full report from our online discussion of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, hosted with Anglo American. Learn from the perspectives of more than 80 participants from 18 countries who explored the role of businesses and other stakeholders in making progress on SDG 16, which aims to promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all … “Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions: Perspectives from the SDG 16 Leadership Forum | Report”

The Gen Z Reckoning: The Purposeful Generation | Report

Overview Gen Z, the generation born in the late 1990s and early 2000s, is coming of age in a radically new world. In the face of income inequality, school violence, racial injustice and climate change, our youngest generation is standing up, speaking out and harnessing their courage and creativity to claim the future they want – and they aren’t waiting. From their personal passions to their career aspirations to their preferences for brands, Gen Z is proving that they give … “The Gen Z Reckoning: The Purposeful Generation | Report”

Decent Work and Economic Growth: Perspectives from the SDG 8 Leadership Forum | Report

SDG Goal 8 Leadership Forum hosted by 3M / GlobeScan Learn from the perspectives of more than 125 participants from 17 countries who explored the future of work, the ways in which it is changing, and the obstacles and solutions in closing the skills gap. Read the full report from our online discussion of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth, hosted with 3M. What is Sustainable Development Goal 8? SDG 8 aims to promote … “Decent Work and Economic Growth: Perspectives from the SDG 8 Leadership Forum | Report”

The 2019 GlobeScan / SustainAbility Leaders Survey | Report

About the Survey As part of the the 2019 GlobeScan/SustainAbility Leaders Survey, we asked over 800 experts representing business, government, NGOs and academia across 78 countries to evaluate the progress that institutions have made since the 1992 Earth Summit. We also analyze expert views on which companies are considered to be leading on integrating sustainability into their business strategy, as well as which NGOs are making the largest contribution to advancing the sustainable development agenda. Introduction The 2019 GlobeScan/SustainAbility Leaders … “The 2019 GlobeScan / SustainAbility Leaders Survey | Report”

Clean Water and Sanitation: Perspectives from the SDG 6 Leadership Forum | Report

SDG Goal 6 Leadership Forum hosted by AB InBev / GlobeScan Read the full report from our online discussion of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation. Learn from the perspectives from more than 150 participants from 32 countries who explored how to ensure the availability and sustainable management of water for all. SDG 6 focuses on the need for improved water management practices and increased water efficiency in order to more effectively meet water demands globally. What … “Clean Water and Sanitation: Perspectives from the SDG 6 Leadership Forum | Report”

Accelerating Progress on Healthy and Productive Oceans: Perspectives from the SDG 14 Leadership Forum | Report

SDG Goal 14 Leadership Forum hosted by Nomad Foods / Marine Stewardship Council / GlobeScan Read the full report from our online discussion of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 14: Life Below Water. Learn from the perspectives from more than 220 participants who explored the critical role that protection and restoration of ocean biodiversity can play in achieving the UN’s ambitious 2030 goals, and how different stakeholders can help ensure healthy and productive oceans for both economic and environmental … “Accelerating Progress on Healthy and Productive Oceans: Perspectives from the SDG 14 Leadership Forum | Report”

From Urgency to Action: Business and the SDGs | Report

White Paper by CSR Europe and GlobeScan on Business and the SDGs Four years after the launch of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the time to shift from urgency to action in addressing them has arrived, but the obstacles to doing so remain significant. The challenge is to help navigate major transitions that are already underway, and which will shape our lives between now and 2030. These include the shift from a linear to a circular economy, the development … “From Urgency to Action: Business and the SDGs | Report”