Webinar | Changing Food Choices: Consumers’ Responses to COVID, Cost of Living and Climate

Every two years, the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) and GlobeScan conduct the largest seafood consumer survey in the world, engaging over 25,000 consumers in 23 markets. On Thursday, November 17th, 2022 we hosted three global webinars to explore results of this year’s study, as well as highlights from GlobeScan’s Healthy and Sustainable Living consumer survey. Each webinar looked at global data and focused on specific regional results, with insights from regional thought leaders. Our Americas webinar featured: Our Europe/AMESA featured: Our Asia-Pacific webinar featured:

Insight of the Week: Public Concern About Climate Change is at its Highest Level Since 1998​

Perceived seriousness of climate change has reached its highest level since tracking began 23 years ago, with over six in ten across 17 markets now saying that climate change is “very serious.” Global concern and engagement around climate issues is growing and is expected to increase over the next several years. People in Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Portugal, and Turkey are the most concerned about climate change. In the USA, concern is historically high (53% say it is “very serious”) and … “Insight of the Week: Public Concern About Climate Change is at its Highest Level Since 1998​”

Insight of the Week: Corporate Affairs Professionals Say Climate Change is the Most Pressing ESG Issue for Global Business

ESG performance tops the list of Corporate Affairs risk priorities globally for organizations, and Corporate Affairs professionals surveyed across the world point to climate change as the most pressing ESG issue. While climate change broadly is less top-of-mind since last year, there is a dramatic increase in concern around net zero and carbon emissions as a critical issue. This suggests that Corporate Affairs priorities are becoming more focused on net zero strategies. The COP 26 meeting in Glasgow later this … “Insight of the Week: Corporate Affairs Professionals Say Climate Change is the Most Pressing ESG Issue for Global Business”

Report: ESG Performance Tops List of Corporate Affairs Risk Priorities Globally for Organisations

ESG also Dominates the List of Corporate Affairs Functional Priorities 15th July 2021 – ESG performance tops the list of Corporate Affairs risk priorities globally for organisations (46%), according to a new survey report launched today by the University of Oxford and GlobeScan. Corporate Affairs experts point to climate change as the most-pressing ESG issue for global businesses over the next two years followed by net zero / carbon emissions and inequality in society. Pandemic management (32%) is the second-highest … “Report: ESG Performance Tops List of Corporate Affairs Risk Priorities Globally for Organisations”

Insight of the Week: Four Key Drivers of Inequality in the Coming Years

Four Key Drivers of Inequality in the Coming Years Major Trends, 2021 Rising inequality is a defining challenge of our time and current approaches to addressing it are perceived to be highly insufficient. A multi-stakeholder research project identified four mega-trends (health, future of work, social divisions, and climate change) both as drivers and as possible areas for solutions to respond to this complex challenge. These wider cross-cutting trends provide a great starting point for identifying pathways to effective action in … “Insight of the Week: Four Key Drivers of Inequality in the Coming Years”

Insight of the Week: Circular Economy, Food Systems, and Biodiversity Are Key Focus Areas for the EU Green Deal

Circular Economy, Food Systems, and Biodiversity Are Key Focus Areas for the EU Green Deal Priority vs Progress, Expert Stakeholders, 2021 Stakeholders rated a range of sustainability issues on two dimensions – level of priority and progress made. Two issues – clean energy and climate – are areas where priorities and progress are both viewed as being strong. Circularity, food systems, and nature are all issues where priorities are high, but where progress is seen to be weak. These areas … “Insight of the Week: Circular Economy, Food Systems, and Biodiversity Are Key Focus Areas for the EU Green Deal”

Insight of the Week: High Concern about Climate Change Persists During the COVID-19 Pandemic

High Concern about Climate Change Persists During the COVID-19 Pandemic Seriousness of Climate Change and Global Warming, “Very Serious,” Average of 17 Markets,* 2003–2020 Even with parallel worries about COVID-19 and the economy, environmental issues are still highly concerning for people around the world. Across 17 markets surveyed over the past two decades, a majority continue to think of a range of environmental issues as being “very serious.” Concern about climate change has grown dramatically since 2014 and continues to … “Insight of the Week: High Concern about Climate Change Persists During the COVID-19 Pandemic”

Insight of the Week: Germany and Scandinavian Countries Seen as Most Likely to Implement the European Green Deal

Germany and Scandinavian Countries Seen as Most Likely to Implement the European Green Deal Countries Most Likely vs Least Likely To Do Their Fair Share to Implement the European Green Deal, Total Mentions, Expert Stakeholders, Globally, 2020/21 When asked which countries are most likely to do their fair share to implement the European Green Deal, more than half of sustainability experts surveyed point to Germany and Scandinavian countries. In contrast, Poland and Hungary are among the least likely contributors, followed … “Insight of the Week: Germany and Scandinavian Countries Seen as Most Likely to Implement the European Green Deal”

Member States Biggest Barrier to Green Deal Implementation, Say 1 Out of 3 Sustainability Experts

A new report by the Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP) and GlobeScan identifies the challenges to the European Green Deal’s implementation and provides policy recommendations for addressing them. The European Green Deal Barometer, launched on Thursday 29 April at an online conference, builds on the Think2030 survey, an expert consultation of nearly 300 sustainability experts from governments and regulators, NGOs, academia, research institutes and the private sector. Key findings 33% of respondents see the lack of commitment by the … “Member States Biggest Barrier to Green Deal Implementation, Say 1 Out of 3 Sustainability Experts”