Insight of the Week: Priority for Post-COVID-19 Economic Recovery

Priority for Post-COVID-19 Economic Recovery Global Public Opinion, 2020 There is strong public support to build back better in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Majorities in 16 out of 27 markets surveyed say they would prefer to see a restructuring of the economy that addresses challenges like climate change and inequality, rather than simply getting the economy back to normal as soon as possible. Younger generations and those with higher education are more supportive of building back better, as … “Insight of the Week: Priority for Post-COVID-19 Economic Recovery”

Webinar | The Rise of the Conscious Food Consumer: COVID, Climate and Conservation

Every two years, the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) and GlobeScan conduct one of the largest seafood consumer surveys in the world, engaging over 20,000 consumers in 23 markets. This year’s results show high levels of concern for our oceans are driving a new wave of consumer activism, as conscious food consumers increasingly ‘vote with their forks’ to safeguard our oceans. We recently hosted three webinars across global time zones (see details below) between 10-12 November 2020. In these sessions, we … “Webinar | The Rise of the Conscious Food Consumer: COVID, Climate and Conservation”

Climate Change: A GlobeScan Insight Report

Worry about climate change remains widespread despite the pandemic and economic crisis, and continues to increase in the USA and other large emitting countries Despite the immense impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent economic recession (documented in GlobeScan’s findings on the pandemic’s impact on inequality for the BBC), people in 27 markets surveyed also continue to care deeply about the climate crisis that is currently unfolding in parallel. Concerns about climate change and poverty remain high and steady – with the … “Climate Change: A GlobeScan Insight Report”

State of the Planet a Worrying Concern for Future Generations

Business leaders are responding to one of the most sweeping crises in recent memory, calling for both empathy and action to guide people through uncertain times. News reports, social media and conversations with loved ones are inundated with information and stories about the impacts and effects of the coronavirus. While we continue to weather this storm, it is important we remember the planet and its population are facing other substantial challenges which simultaneously cry out for our attention. It is … “State of the Planet a Worrying Concern for Future Generations”

Global Insights to Help Navigate a Changing World

Global business leaders have been focused on responding to one of the most sweeping set of crises in recent memory. Many leadership lessons will come out of COVID-19. These lessons will form the basis of significant organizational change and inform corporate planning for generations to come. For the time being, many questions remain for sustainability and public affairs / communications executives alike who are seeking to navigate a rapidly changing world: How are expectations toward the role of business shifting … “Global Insights to Help Navigate a Changing World”

Concern for the Oceans Drives Consumers to ‘Vote with their Forks’ for Sustainable Seafood

One in three fear their favourite fish will be off the menu by 2040 High levels of concern for our oceans are driving a new wave of consumer activism, research for the Marine Stewardship Council reveals, as consumers increasingly ‘vote with their forks’ to safeguard our oceans. The largest survey of its kind involving more than 20,000 people across 23 countries, conducted by independent insights consultancy, GlobeScan, reveals that 6 in 10 seafood shoppers (58%) already made changes to the … “Concern for the Oceans Drives Consumers to ‘Vote with their Forks’ for Sustainable Seafood”

Pressure is on for Companies to Rapidly Address Climate Change

This is the decade for climate action, a decisive point where we need to take meaningful action to get climate change under control and get on track toward meeting the 1.5°C temperature goal of the Paris Agreement. Results from the newly released report by GlobeScan and SustainAbility, “The Climate Decade: Ten Years to Deliver the Paris Agreement” show that two-thirds (67%) of experts across 66 countries say that companies need to become carbon neutral by 2030 or sooner to remain competitive. … “Pressure is on for Companies to Rapidly Address Climate Change”

The 2020 Climate Survey: Evaluating Progress on Climate Change | Webinar

Our February 18 webinar explored results from the latest edition of the GlobeScan / SustainAbility Survey (GSS), which evaluates progress on addressing climate change generally, and specifically on corporate action and leadership. GSS is one of the longest-running expert surveys on sustainability-related topics of its kind. In the 2020 Climate Survey we analyzed the viewpoints of over 550 global sustainability experts representing business, government, NGOs and academia across 47 countries on a range of questions including: Importance of various societal … “The 2020 Climate Survey: Evaluating Progress on Climate Change | Webinar”

The Climate Decade: Ten Years to Deliver the Paris Agreement | Report

A GlobeScan-SustainAbility Survey We are entering the climate decade. A ten year period where our collective actions will determine the kind of world our children and grandchildren will inherit. Since the launch of the Paris Climate Agreement in 2015, every two years GlobeScan and SustainAbility have asked global experts to assess progress towards reducing global greenhouse gas emissions. In the time since our first report was released in 2015, and second report in 2017, urgency has grown. The International Panel … “The Climate Decade: Ten Years to Deliver the Paris Agreement | Report”

To Remain Competitive Companies Must Become Carbon Neutral Within A Decade

2020 Survey of Sustainability Experts 11 February 2020 – Released today at the flagship GLOBE conference in Vancouver, findings of a new report “The Climate Decade: Ten Years to Deliver the Paris Agreement” by GlobeScan and SustainAbility, show that experts see the coming decade as crucial for companies to make significant progress on their emissions targets in order to remain competitive. Two-thirds (67%) of experts across 66 countries say that companies need to become carbon neutral by 2030 or sooner to … “To Remain Competitive Companies Must Become Carbon Neutral Within A Decade”