Webinar Recap | Findings from the 2017 GSS Survey on Climate Change

We recently hosted two webinar on results from the latest edition of the GlobeScan/SustainAbility Survey, which focused on climate change and progress made on the Paris Agreement. GSS is one the longest-running expert surveys on sustainability-related topics of its kind. In our latest report we analyze the viewpoints of about 400 global sustainability experts on a range of questions including: Almost two years after the Paris Agreement was signed, how much progress has been made against its goals and what barriers may … “Webinar Recap | Findings from the 2017 GSS Survey on Climate Change”

Upcoming Webinar | Beyond COP23: Findings from the 2017 GlobeScan/SustainAbility Survey on Climate Change

We are delighted to invite you to our November 22 webinar on results from the latest edition of the GlobeScan/SustainAbility Survey (GSS), which focused on climate change and progress made on the Paris Agreement. Starting at 11am Hong Kong / 8:30am Mumbai / 2pm Sydney, the discussion will be led by Wander Meijer, Asia Pacific Director, GlobeScan, Andrew Petersen, Chief Executive Officer, Sustainable Business Australia, Rebecca Mikula-Wright, Climate Change & ESG Investment Consultant at the Investor Group on Climate Change (IGCC), and Jeanne Ng, Director, Group Sustainability at CLP Power … “Upcoming Webinar | Beyond COP23: Findings from the 2017 GlobeScan/SustainAbility Survey on Climate Change”

Three Major Pitfalls of Public Engagement on Climate Change and What to Do About Them

GlobeScan has been tracking global public perceptions and engagement around climate change since 1998. We have also convened consumers and stakeholders through focus groups, interviews, and events to understand key opinions, barriers, and opportunities around climate action. Through all these years of research, a common and frustrating theme has emerged: climate change has a major PR problem, and it’s not necessarily getting any better. For global corporations, governments, and civil society organizations to be able to take the urgent action … “Three Major Pitfalls of Public Engagement on Climate Change and What to Do About Them”

American Public Divided on the Need to Take Action on Climate Change

1 June 2017 – President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement sends a strong signal to the rest of the world that the US government does not prioritize climate change, despite almost half (49%) of the American public supporting the need to take “major action” according to new research. Results show that 56 percent of people across 19 countries surveyed say that we should take immediate major action to reduce human impacts on climate, while 28 per cent say that … “American Public Divided on the Need to Take Action on Climate Change”

Upcoming Webinar: The 2017 Sustainability Leaders Survey

GlobeScan and SustainAbility are delighted to invite you to a webinar on June 28 at 11am New York / 4pm London to discuss the results of the 2017 Sustainability Leaders Survey. The Sustainability Leaders Survey, presented in partnership with Sustainable Brands, is the largest and longest-running survey of its kind and has tracked expert opinions on sustainable development leadership for 20 years. Join us for a lively and insightful discussion with 5 exceptional thought leaders who will share insights, discuss … “Upcoming Webinar: The 2017 Sustainability Leaders Survey”

Webinar Recap: 2017 RBC Canadian Water Attitudes Study

On April 11, RBC and GlobeScan hosted a webinar to explore the 2017 RBC Canadian Water Attitudes Study. For 10 years, RBC’s Canadian Water Attitudes Study has explored Canadian attitudes towards the protection and management of our fresh water supply. Each year, we ask about a wide range of water issues, and the question remains: do Canadians really value water? And how have our attitudes and behaviours evolved? The webinar featured a distinguished panel of guest speakers: Bob Sandford, EPCOR Chair, … “Webinar Recap: 2017 RBC Canadian Water Attitudes Study”

Five Global Mega Trends Shaping The Future

The events of 2016 have underscored just how volatile, complex and ambiguous the world is today. Drawing on insights that we have collected around the world from thousands of interviews and engagements with stakeholders and consumers, we take a look at the global shifts that will continue to shape the world for leadership organizations in 2017. A Polarized World History now confirms that we live in a fractured world with people polarized in their views on many issues and in … “Five Global Mega Trends Shaping The Future”

Let’s Forget 2016 And Remember 2015

The events of 2016 have underscored how volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous the world is today. Indeed, from the election of Donald Trump in the United States to Brexit to a range of corporate and political scandals across the world makes our VUCA world feel that much more difficult to navigate, especially given our acute economic, environmental and social challenges we face. But we must continue to rally to look for opportunities to make progress in the area of sustainable … “Let’s Forget 2016 And Remember 2015”

Perceptions of Seriousness of Climate Change at Historically High Levels in the USA

15 December 2016 – Despite the possibility of a drastic change in direction on climate change policy after the election of Donald Trump to the presidency in the USA, GlobeScan’s tracking shows that the American public now believes more than ever that climate change is a “very serious” problem. Results from GlobeScan’s 2016 Radar research show that Americans’ sense that climate change is a serious issue has rebounded after steadily declining in the aftermath of the 2007–2008 financial crisis. Just over … “Perceptions of Seriousness of Climate Change at Historically High Levels in the USA”