Segmenting the Market Using the 2014 Greendex Data Welcome to the first of a series of four short articles that examine the potential for more sustainable consumer behavior within the food category. We draw on our recently published Greendex 2014 study of consumers in 18 countries, conducted with National Geographic, to mine for insights to help governments, companies and NGOs unlock further change. Find After launching the 2014 Greendex at the Sustainable Brands New Metrics conference, we are kicking off … “Changing Food Habits: Moveable Masses Greendex Segment”
Presentation slides used at the Sustainable Brands New Metrics conference launch of the 2014 National Geographic/GlobeScan Greendex Study.
On September 26th, National Geographic’s Chief Science and Exploration Officer, Terry Garcia, and I were in Boston MA to publish the 2014 Greendex survey on the status of sustainable consumption across 18 countries, the fifth edition of this National Geographic / GlobeScan collaboration. If you are unfamiliar with it, the Greendex is a composite measure of sustainable (or not) consumer behavior consisting of 65 different types of choices and behaviors analyzed and tracked across four sub-indexes. Quite aptly, we chose … “New Metrics on Consumer Behavior Change”
Niels Christiansen is an independent writer, speaker, and corporate advisor who invented the term Creating Shared Value (CSV) as a fundamental principal of business management. Working with Nestle Chairman and CEO Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, he was the architect for the practical implementation of CSV for the 330,000 Nestle employees. GlobeScan CEO Chris Coulter recently interviewed Niels to gain insight on the value he puts on stakeholder intelligence to help build recognized leadership in an uncertain world. What has changed in corporate public affairs … “GlobeScan Dialogue: Recognizing Leaders | Niels Christiansen, Creating Shared Value Advisors”
Download the Full Report (PDF) 29 September 2014 – A majority of citizens (59%) in a 12-country public opinion poll believe “the social, environmental and economic challenges the world faces today are more difficult than the ones we have faced in human history.” Only one in four (25%) believe our challenges are less difficult. In spite of this, a similar majority (63%) believe that “humanity will find a way to overcome our current challenges.” However, almost a third of citizens (31%) … “Hope Prevails In Spite of the Magnitude of Humanity’s Challenges: Global Poll”
Summary of food results from the 2014 National Geographic / GlobeScan Greendex: an international research approach to measure and monitor consumer progress towards environmentally sustainable consumption.
Greendex 2014: Consumer Choice and the Environment – A Worldwide Tracking Survey | Highlights Report
Highlights report of the 2014 National Geographic / GlobeScan Greendex: an international research approach to measure and monitor consumer progress towards environmentally sustainable consumption.
Full report of the 2014 National Geographic / GlobeScan Greendex: an international research approach to measure and monitor consumer progress towards environmentally sustainable consumption.
Transparency is a key driver of corporate reputation, but it is also an area in which companies commonly underperform. There is increasing external and internal pressure on organizations to become more transparent, not only from customers and employees, but also from other stakeholders such as investors, media and regulators. Stakeholders need evidence that environmental and human rights risks are being systematically managed. But too much disclosure also can create risks. In this edition of Proof Points, we examine some barriers to transparency … “How to Remove Barriers to Corporate Transparency”
Ola Lindell is the Commercial Director for Inter IKEA Centre Group A/S. He is responsible for the IKEA shopping centre concept, the IKEA brand, digital channels, and the offer to the consumer. Until 2013, Ola was Senior Manager, Marketing at Inter IKEA Systems BV, the worldwide franchisor of the IKEA Concept, responsible for marketing, the IKEA brand, IKEA catalogue and digital channel. GlobeScan Chairman Doug Miller recently interviewed Ola to gain insight on the value IKEA puts on stakeholder intelligence to … “Recognizing Leaders: Ola Lindell, IKEA”