New Survey of Experts Finds COVID-19 Pandemic Risks Slowing Progress Towards the Sustainable Development Goals

25 February 2021 – Five and a half years after the adoption of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs or the Goals) and their ambition to ensure a better and sustainable future for all, findings from a new report “Evaluating Progress on the SDGs” by GlobeScan and The SustainAbility Institute by ERM show that sustainability practitioners continue to report poor progress towards each of the 17 Goals. Additionally, over half of experts surveyed believe that the COVID-19 pandemic will further slow the … “New Survey of Experts Finds COVID-19 Pandemic Risks Slowing Progress Towards the Sustainable Development Goals”

Insight of the Week: Consumers Believe That Affordability of ​Responsible Products and Services Is Key

Consumers Believe That Affordability of Responsible Products and Services Is Key​​ Preferred Company Actions to Help People and the Environment, ​Average of 27 Countries, 2020​ When asked what companies can do to enable healthy and sustainable living, consumers globally prioritize ensuring affordable yet responsible products. This is consistent across almost all 27 markets surveyed and across all generations, highlighting how pivotal affordability is for consumers to be able to change their behavior at scale. Notes: Question wording: What are the … “Insight of the Week: Consumers Believe That Affordability of ​Responsible Products and Services Is Key”

Webinar | Understanding and Addressing Urban Consumption of Bushmeat in Nigeria

Human contact with wild animals increases the risk of zoonotic disease transmission, and COVID-19, which is believed to have originated from the consumption of wild animals, has shown the world just how serious this can be. However, this is not the first time Nigeria has suffered from past outbreaks of zoonotic diseases with HIV, Ebola and Lassa fever having all affected the country. To establish the level of urban bushmeat consumption in Nigeria and investigate the effects that COVID-19 is … “Webinar | Understanding and Addressing Urban Consumption of Bushmeat in Nigeria”

How a Hapless Bat Rather than a Famous Panda May Save Wildlife

Charismatic animals For many years, the species that are well known and loved among the public have received the lion’s share of conservation funding. The panda became the symbol of wildlife conservation half a century ago, and for many years, elephants have been a focus for conservation followed by rhinos, tigers, and other “charismatic animals” that capture the public’s attention. Only the pangolin is an anomaly on the list, as few people have ever seen this elusive nocturnal animal. But … “How a Hapless Bat Rather than a Famous Panda May Save Wildlife”

Insight of the Week: Seriousness of Climate Change​

Seriousness of Climate Change​​ “Very Serious” and “Somewhat Serious,” ​Average of 16 Countries* vs USA, 2015–2020​​​ As the United States once again joins the Paris Agreement under President Biden’s new leadership, GlobeScan’s research shows that over the past five years, Americans’ worries about the climate have become increasingly aligned with the rest of the world. More than eight in ten Americans now say that climate change is a very or somewhat serious issue, with those under 30 years of age … “Insight of the Week: Seriousness of Climate Change​”

Insight of the Week: Have Been Inspired by Online Influencer or Celebrity to Live a Sustainable Lifestyle

Have Been Inspired by Online Influencer or Celebrity to Live a Sustainable Lifestyle ​ By Generation, Average of 27 Markets, 2020​ Younger people look to influencers for inspiration to be environmentally friendly​. Those belonging to younger generations are much more likely than older generations to say that they are frequently inspired by online influencers or celebrities promoting more sustainable lifestyles. On average across 27 markets surveyed in GlobeScan’s Healthy & Sustainable Living study, almost three-quarters (72%) of Gen Z respondents … “Insight of the Week: Have Been Inspired by Online Influencer or Celebrity to Live a Sustainable Lifestyle”

Insight of the Week: Priority for Post-COVID-19 Economic Recovery

Priority for Post-COVID-19 Economic Recovery Global Public Opinion, 2020 There is strong public support to build back better in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Majorities in 16 out of 27 markets surveyed say they would prefer to see a restructuring of the economy that addresses challenges like climate change and inequality, rather than simply getting the economy back to normal as soon as possible. Younger generations and those with higher education are more supportive of building back better, as … “Insight of the Week: Priority for Post-COVID-19 Economic Recovery”

Webinar | Going Mainstream: Alternative Meat and Plant Based Drinks

On 23 November 2020 we hosted a webinar to discuss the growing popularity of plant-based products and the fast growing marketing introductions of plant-based meat and beverages. We drew from our global and Asia Pacific research conducted during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic showing that consumers around the world are willing to change their behavior to become healthier and more sustainable. The webinar explored GlobeScan’s Healthy & Sustainable Living study, which was designed and launched with a range of partners … “Webinar | Going Mainstream: Alternative Meat and Plant Based Drinks”

Corporate Sustainability Leadership During a Pandemic

As we continue to grapple with the COVID-19 pandemic and its devastating social and economic effects, companies are continuing their efforts to become more sustainable — and some are being recognized for their efforts. The 2020 Sustainability Leaders, a GlobeScan / SustainAbility survey of experts worldwide, reveals which companies are perceived to be leaders on sustainability during this challenging time by sustainability professionals representing business, government, NGOs and academia. Over 700 experts were surveyed online across 71 countries in May. Results … “Corporate Sustainability Leadership During a Pandemic”

Webinars | Healthy & Sustainable Living in a Global Pandemic

The 2020 Healthy & Sustainable Living study was designed and launched with a range of partners including CVS Health, IKEA, PepsiCo, Visa, and WWF International to help organizations better understand the mindsets of global consumers and what enables them or prevents them from living in a healthier and more sustainable way. The 27-market study was conducted in June 2020, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. In total, 27,000 people took part in the global study that asked them about attitudes, … “Webinars | Healthy & Sustainable Living in a Global Pandemic”