Are We Actually Making Progress on the SDGs?

In 2015, United Nations member states, together with civil society and business, came together to prepare a blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all by 2030. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) outline 17 areas where we need to make a collective effort and provide a useful sustainability framework for business and other actors. We have a decade until the 2030 deadline and businesses are increasingly committing to the goals in a public way. While there are … “Are We Actually Making Progress on the SDGs?”

How Can Business Help People to Take Action on Climate Change?

As we are approaching a tipping point for the climate in the very near future, there needs to be a massive global mobilization to take action and reduce human impact on the climate. But how? A research study conducted by IKEA and GlobeScan that involved 14,000 individuals across 14 countries shows that even if climate change is widely acknowledged, it remains a distant, complex issue. People know about it, but they cannot deeply understand how the issue will affect them … “How Can Business Help People to Take Action on Climate Change?”

AB InBev and GlobeScan to Host SDG Leadership Forum for Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation

Join us for our SDG Leadership Forum on Clean Water and Sanitation (Goal 6) on Wednesday, March 20, 2019. As part of our ongoing series of online dialogues, this SDG Leadership Forum for Clean Water and Sanitation offers an opportunity to discuss watershed protection, water use efficiency and water access, with a focus on new ideas and how we can reach scale in these critical areas. In this global, online, text-based discussion, hosted live by AB InBev and GlobeScan, we will explore how … “AB InBev and GlobeScan to Host SDG Leadership Forum for Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation”

Recognizing Leaders: Gavin Edwards and Zhou Fei, WWF

Over the past decade, the worldwide elephant population has declined by over 30,000 per year due to reduced habitat, trophy hunting, and specifically poaching. Elephants are being slaughtered at an industrial scale for their ivory, with an estimated 415,000 left in the wild. At the current rate of population decline, the species could be extinct in the wild within the next 20 years. GlobeScan’s Asia Pacific Director Wander Meijer spoke with Zhou Fei, Chief Programme Officer of WWF China and … “Recognizing Leaders: Gavin Edwards and Zhou Fei, WWF”

IKEA Climate Action Study | Report & Webinar

Climate Action Starts At Home For many of us, climate change is a distant, complex issue that is difficult to understand. Most people recognise the problem and many are worried about it, but they can’t connect with how climate change will affect them personally and what they, as individuals, can do about it. As the world’s temperatures rise and consumer behaviour remains stuck at unsustainable levels, an urgent question for business, governments and civil society is: How can we engage … “IKEA Climate Action Study | Report & Webinar”

The 2018 BSR/GlobeScan State of Sustainable Business Survey | Report

About the Survey The BSR/GlobeScan 10th Annual State of Sustainable Business Survey communicates the sustainability issues that companies are most focused on today. The survey includes responses from business leaders representing 152 global companies—more than 60 percent of BSR’s global membership network. Introduction The world is changing at a rapid pace. New technologies, shifting cultural norms, evolving economic structures, and unprecedented environmental threats are reshaping the planet. This survey provides insight into the world of sustainable business and identifies common perceptions and … “The 2018 BSR/GlobeScan State of Sustainable Business Survey | Report”

Upcoming Webinar with IKEA Group | Climate Action Starts At Home

IKEA Group (Ingka Holding B.V. and its controlled entities*) and GlobeScan are delighted to invite you to a webinar on September 25 at 8am New York / 2pm Stockholm / 8pm Hong Kong to share the learnings from Climate Action Starts At Home – our research study conducted with thousands of people across the world. In this webinar Pia Heidenmark-Cook, Chief Sustainability Officer of IKEA Group and Chris Coulter, co-CEO of GlobeScan will present insights from our study and discuss their implications … “Upcoming Webinar with IKEA Group | Climate Action Starts At Home”

Seafood Consumers Want Less Pollution and More Fish in the Sea

GlobeScan is pleased to have recently completed a second comprehensive study of seafood consumers globally for The Marine Stewardship Council. We surveyed more than 25,000 consumers in 22 countries and found that a large majority of consumers are increasingly demanding independent verification of sustainability claims in supermarkets (72% this year compared to 68% in our first study in 2016). Key Findings from the 2018 Seafood Consumers Study: 70% of seafood consumers say that they would like to hear more from … “Seafood Consumers Want Less Pollution and More Fish in the Sea”

Research to the Rescue: Saving Elephants from Extinction

China’s basketball hero Yao Ming viewing the carcass of a poached elephant in Namunyak, northern Kenya (2015) Two forces are battling for the fate of the elephant, the last of the large land mammals, as witnessed in this National Geographic video. Apart from survival of the species, there is a lot of money at stake. Wildlife crime has an estimated value of USD 23 billion per annum, the fourth-most lucrative criminal trade globally after drugs, humans and arms. The ivory … “Research to the Rescue: Saving Elephants from Extinction”

Upcoming Webinar | FSC and GlobeScan on Targeting Untapped Global Consumer Demand for Sustainably-Sourced Products

Consumers have high expectations that the forest products they buy are sourced responsibly and free from deforestation. In fact, research conducted by FSC and GlobeScan in 2017 indicates that this was one of the most important factors affecting the purchasing decisions of consumers worldwide. However, despite these expectations, the research uncovered a significant trust gap. Whilst 79% of consumers expect companies to ensure that the products they sell do not contribute to deforestation, only a quarter (26%) have a lot … “Upcoming Webinar | FSC and GlobeScan on Targeting Untapped Global Consumer Demand for Sustainably-Sourced Products”