Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions: Perspectives from the SDG 16 Leadership Forum | Report

SDG Goal 16 Leadership Forum hosted by Anglo American / GlobeScan Read the full report from our online discussion of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, hosted with Anglo American. Learn from the perspectives of more than 80 participants from 18 countries who explored the role of businesses and other stakeholders in making progress on SDG 16, which aims to promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all … “Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions: Perspectives from the SDG 16 Leadership Forum | Report”

Recognizing Leaders: Alison Rabschnuk, The Good Food Institute

Alison Rabschnuk is Director of Corporate Engagement at The Good Food Institute (GFI). Alison leads the corporate engagement team in their work with leading food processing and food service companies, supermarkets, and restaurants to help increase the quality and quantity of plant-based products available on the market. GlobeScan’s Nadia Hazime spoke with Alison about the role that plant-based and cellular meat can play fostering the transition to a more healthy and sustainable food system. What is The Good Food Institute’s … “Recognizing Leaders: Alison Rabschnuk, The Good Food Institute”

GlobeScan Recognized as a ‘Best For The World’ B Corp for Creating the Most Positive Impact for Employees

We are delighted to announce that GlobeScan has once again been named a ‘Best For The World’ honoree in recognition of the relationship we have with our employees and the significant positive impact we have created over the past year.  We rank in the top 10% of all B Corps in the worker impact area on the B Impact Assessment, for our corporate culture, work environment, worker health and safety practices, and other employee-centric policies and practices. ‘Best For The … “GlobeScan Recognized as a ‘Best For The World’ B Corp for Creating the Most Positive Impact for Employees”

Why NGOs Top the List of Those Advancing Sustainable Development

Sustainability leadership by NGOs is well recognized around the world as the type of organization that has contributed the most toward sustainable development since the Rio Earth Summit. While this finding from our latest Sustainability Leaders Survey of experts is neither new nor surprising (NGOs have ranked as a leading institution since we began tracking this measure in 2009), NGOs’ steady commitment to collaboration, engagement and advocacy is celebrated despite them often being under-resourced. Meanwhile, the United Nations has seen an 11-point … “Why NGOs Top the List of Those Advancing Sustainable Development”

Sustainable Apparel Coalition Report: Consumers Want More Transparency

Brands and retailers that don’t disclose information about social and environmental sustainability performance risk relevancy with consumers SAN FRANCISCO — July 25, 2019 — The Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC), the leading association for the apparel, footwear and textile industry, today published Empowering Consumers Through Transparency, a report that explores consumer sentiment about the importance of transparency in the apparel, footwear, and textile industry. The report, which was commissioned by SAC and written by global research consultancy GlobeScan, is designed to … “Sustainable Apparel Coalition Report: Consumers Want More Transparency”

Decent Work and Economic Growth: Perspectives from the SDG 8 Leadership Forum | Report

SDG Goal 8 Leadership Forum hosted by 3M / GlobeScan Learn from the perspectives of more than 125 participants from 17 countries who explored the future of work, the ways in which it is changing, and the obstacles and solutions in closing the skills gap. Read the full report from our online discussion of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth, hosted with 3M. What is Sustainable Development Goal 8? SDG 8 aims to promote … “Decent Work and Economic Growth: Perspectives from the SDG 8 Leadership Forum | Report”

Recognizing Leaders: Stephan Krinke, Volkswagen

Dr. Stephan Krinke is the Head of Sustainability Strategy and Programs in the General Secretariat of the Volkswagen Group. He is responsible for the development of the sustainability strategy and the development and steering of the sustainability program which covers the entire value chain of sustainable mobility.   GlobeScan CEO Chris Coulter spoke to Stephan about their sustainability strategy and bold commitment to decarbonization.  How are you approaching sustainability at Volkswagen?  First of all, our general strategy at Volkswagen is to bring sustainability much closer to the … “Recognizing Leaders: Stephan Krinke, Volkswagen”

The 2019 GlobeScan / SustainAbility Leaders Survey | Report

About the Survey As part of the the 2019 GlobeScan/SustainAbility Leaders Survey, we asked over 800 experts representing business, government, NGOs and academia across 78 countries to evaluate the progress that institutions have made since the 1992 Earth Summit. We also analyze expert views on which companies are considered to be leading on integrating sustainability into their business strategy, as well as which NGOs are making the largest contribution to advancing the sustainable development agenda. Introduction The 2019 GlobeScan/SustainAbility Leaders … “The 2019 GlobeScan / SustainAbility Leaders Survey | Report”

The 2019 GlobeScan/SustainAbility Leaders Survey | Webinar

About the Survey As part of the the 2019 GlobeScan/SustainAbility Leaders Survey, we asked over 800 experts representing business, government, NGOs and academia across 78 countries to evaluate the progress that institutions have made since the 1992 Earth Summit. We also analyze expert views on which companies are considered to be leading on integrating sustainability into their business strategy, as well as which NGOs are making the largest contribution to advancing the sustainable development agenda. To help launch the 2019 Sustainability … “The 2019 GlobeScan/SustainAbility Leaders Survey | Webinar”

Is Your Company One of Asia-Pacific’s Global Sustainability Leaders?

In May, GlobeScan’s CEO Chris Coulter visited our Hong Kong office and with several partners, we convened a series of events including a salon, a dinner with the University of Oxford China Office, and exclusive breakfast meetings with leaders in sustainability. As a new member of GlobeScan’s Asia-Pacific team who recently transferred from our North America headquarters, it was an amazing whirlwind week to see the range of companies in Asia-Pacific working toward leadership in sustainability. The events attracted more … “Is Your Company One of Asia-Pacific’s Global Sustainability Leaders?”