Recognizing Leaders: Suzanne Fallender, Intel

Suzanne Fallender is Intel’s Director of Corporate Responsibility. In this role, she collaborates with key stakeholders across the company to integrate corporate responsibility concepts into company strategies, policies, public reporting, and stakeholder engagement activities to advance Intel’s corporate responsibility leadership and create positive social impact and business value. GlobeScan Director James Morris spoke to Suzanne about Intel’s approach to corporate responsibility. After three years directing Intel’s girls and women’s empowerment programs, you’ve been back in the wider corporate responsibility field at … “Recognizing Leaders: Suzanne Fallender, Intel”

The Dynamics of Corporate Sustainability Leadership Over Two Decades: Insights from Dow’s Neil Hawkins

This blog is part of the GlobeScan/SustainAbility Leaders Survey 20th anniversary project being conducted by GlobeScan and SustainAbility in partnership with Interface. Since 1997, GlobeScan has been asking a global panel of sustainability experts who exemplifies and what defines leadership on sustainable development. While asking the same questions for 20 years might sound a little too close to Einstein’s definition of insanity, in truth it has been fascinating, both for the constants in the process and for the huge changes in responses we have revealed. … “The Dynamics of Corporate Sustainability Leadership Over Two Decades: Insights from Dow’s Neil Hawkins”

Webinar Recap | Driving Change: A Conversation with Unilever on Creating a New Way of Doing Business

On 3 October 2017, Unilever and GlobeScan hosted a webinar conversation with Sue Garrard, EVP, Sustainable Business & Communications from Unilever, and Chris Coulter, co-CEO of GlobeScan. Their conversation explored where Unilever has come from, where the company is now and the future of sustainable business including the challenges and successes encountered along the way. They took a close look at the future of corporate leadership and what companies should be doing to keep their organizations ahead of the curve. … “Webinar Recap | Driving Change: A Conversation with Unilever on Creating a New Way of Doing Business”

Recognizing Leaders: Robert Blood, SIGWATCH

Robert Blood is the Founder and Managing Director of SIGWATCH. Robert was inspired to create SIGWATCH as a result of working at the board director-level of public relations and issues management consultancies, including Fleishman-Hillard. During this time he was increasingly being consulted by multinationals and industry and professional associations on the impact of the emerging political force that was activism and NGOs. Since then he has built SIGWATCH into the world’s leading research and strategy consultancy on NGOs and campaigning … “Recognizing Leaders: Robert Blood, SIGWATCH”

The 2017 BSR/GlobeScan State of Sustainable Business Survey | Report

The annual BSR/GlobeScan State of Sustainable Business Survey (now in its ninth year) provides insights into the world of sustainable business and aims to identify common perceptions and practices of corporate sustainability professionals. The 2017 survey offers unique insights on how companies are implementing sustainability goals, strengthening business resilience, and contributing to global development and climate change agendas. In addition to capturing the views of sustainability professionals, this year’s survey underscores how well sustainability is being incorporated into company practices … “The 2017 BSR/GlobeScan State of Sustainable Business Survey | Report”

Recognizing Leaders: Michelle Edkins, BlackRock

Michelle Edkins is a Managing Director at BlackRock and Global Head of its Investment Stewardship team of over 30 specialists based in five key regions internationally. In that role, she is responsible for the team’s engagement and proxy voting activities in relation to the companies in which BlackRock invests on behalf of clients. GlobeScan Director Femke de Man spoke with Michelle about corporate sustainability as perceived by the investment community. How do you see the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) world evolving? … “Recognizing Leaders: Michelle Edkins, BlackRock”

Values, Innovation and Transparency Key to Future Corporate Sustainability Leadership: Latest Survey of Experts

28 June 2017 – Integrating sustainability values, demonstrating innovation and fostering transparency will be defining characteristics of leading organizations in the next ten years, according to the findings of the 2017 Sustainability Leaders Survey by GlobeScan and SustainAbility in partnership with Sustainable Brands. The Sustainability Leaders Survey has tracked expert opinions globally on the evolution of the sustainability agenda for two decades, along with views on the leading organizations most responsible for driving it forward. Over 1,000 experts in 79 countries … “Values, Innovation and Transparency Key to Future Corporate Sustainability Leadership: Latest Survey of Experts”

Webinar Recap: The 2017 Sustainability Leaders Survey

On June 28, GlobeScan and SustainAbility hosted a webinar to discuss the results of The 2017 Sustainability Leaders Survey. The Sustainability Leaders Survey is the largest and longest-running survey of its kind and has tracked expert opinions on sustainable development leadership for 20 years. The discussion was lively and insightful. The five exceptional thought leaders shared insights, discussed survey findings and answered your questions on the current and future state of sustainability leadership: Mike Barry, Director of Sustainable Business (Plan … “Webinar Recap: The 2017 Sustainability Leaders Survey”

Building the Good Life: Evolving Perceptions of Corporate Sustainability Leadership

Mid-May 2017, more than 2,000 sustainability professionals gathered in Detroit for the annual Sustainable Brands conference. SB’17 Detroit’s theme Redefining the Good Life was designed to let delegates explore “how redefined societal aspirations are transforming the way brands deliver value for their customers.” During the opening night plenaries, Eric Whan of GlobeScan and Mark Lee of SustainAbility presented the results of the 2017 GlobeScan-SustainAbility Leaders Survey. The GSS Leaders Survey has been running for two decades and explores sustainability expert views … “Building the Good Life: Evolving Perceptions of Corporate Sustainability Leadership”

Natura’s Journey to Becoming a Global Company

Recognized as the most sustainable company in Latin America, Brazilian cosmetics manufacturer Natura is about to become a global player. It has offered €1 billion to L’Oreal for the acquisition of The Body Shop. The deal, set to be finalized by the end of this year, will solve one of Natura’s biggest challenges: how to scale up faster in the developed markets of Europe and the United States. Natura’s admiration for The Body Shop began a long time ago. The … “Natura’s Journey to Becoming a Global Company”