Upcoming Webinar: BSR/GlobeScan State of Sustainable Business Survey 2015

Join us and BSR for a special, public webinar on Wednesday, September 30th @ 11am New York / 8am San Francisco to launch the results of our seventh annual “State of Sustainable Business” survey, which provides a window into key trends in corporate practices and perspectives of leading companies on the successes and challenges in advancing sustainability. This year’s survey offers unique insights on how companies are implementing sustainability goals, strengthening business resilience, and contributing to global development and climate change agendas. We … “Upcoming Webinar: BSR/GlobeScan State of Sustainable Business Survey 2015”

Recognizing Leaders: Gail Klintworth, Old Mutual Group

Gail Klintworth is the Group Customer Director and Responsible Business Lead at Old Mutual plc. In this role, Gail helps the business units deliver on their customer, brand and digital growth strategies and the critical strategic objective of becoming “the recognised financial services leader in Responsible Business.” Gail joined Old Mutual from Unilever, where most recently she was its Chief Sustainability Officer. In prior roles, Gail led Unilever’s global Savoury category, a number of global brands and was CEO of … “Recognizing Leaders: Gail Klintworth, Old Mutual Group”

Who are the Sustainability Leaders (Besides Unilever)?

Most would agree that some corporate giants have taken great strides toward sustainability in recent years. But experts in the field still cite too few companies doing so. Instead, our latest GlobeScan/SustainAbility Leadership survey finds that experts believe that other non-governmental actors have been driving the sustainable development agenda since the United Nations Earth Summit in Rio in 1992. The business sector is not seen as the driver, with few exceptions. What, if anything, can we learn from those few companies that … “Who are the Sustainability Leaders (Besides Unilever)?”

Three Ways M&S Is Improving Its Transparency

M&S Stakeholder Transparency Study Highlights This is the last blog post of a series of three uncovering key insights from the recent stakeholder study on transparency that GlobeScan conducted for Marks & Spencer (M&S). After defining what corporate transparency really means and assessing the state of corporate performance in this area, we are now closing our blog series with a deep dive into M&S’ response to the survey findings. Here are three ways in which M&S is using stakeholder feedback … “Three Ways M&S Is Improving Its Transparency”

Infographic: The 2015 Sustainability Leaders

2015 marks nearly two decades worth of the tracking and analysis of the evolution of the sustainability agenda, and of the leaders and institutions most responsible for driving it forward. This 2015 Sustainability Leaders, a GlobeScan/SustainAbility Survey, provides an overview of perceived corporate sustainability leaders from 1997 to 2015 and the perceived progress that various institutions have made since the Earth Summit was held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, along with expectations for the next 20 years. The infographic (PDF … “Infographic: The 2015 Sustainability Leaders”

Webinar Recap: Trust, Expectations and Leadership: Global Societal Trends on Business

On June 18, GlobeScan CEO Chris Coulter hosted a webinar titled “Trust, Expectations and Leadership: Global Societal Trends on Business” exploring GlobeScan Radar’s latest global public opinion survey of 24,000 people across 24 countries. We shared our latest tracking of trust in institutions, expectations for responsible business, reputation of industry sectors and consumer views of corporate leadership. Chris also drew on findings from our latest GlobeScan/SustainAbility Survey findings, Collaboration Forums, Aspirationals, and work with Marks & Spencer. Professionals focused on … “Webinar Recap: Trust, Expectations and Leadership: Global Societal Trends on Business”

M&S Stakeholder Transparency Study Highlights: How Transparent are Global Companies Today?

Following our first blog post in which we drew on the Marks & Spencer (M&S) Stakeholder Transparency Study findings to define what transparency really is, we are now delving deeper into the stakeholder findings to assess how transparent large companies are perceived to be today. There is a strong business case for corporate transparency. Benefits of transparency clearly outweigh the risks. When asked to list them, online survey respondents cited nearly one-third more benefits than risks. In today’s wired world, … “M&S Stakeholder Transparency Study Highlights: How Transparent are Global Companies Today?”

M&S Stakeholder Transparency Study Highlights: Corporate Transparency Defined

We recently had the opportunity to conduct a stakeholder study on transparency for the Plan A team at Marks & Spencer (M&S). Combining an online survey with global stakeholders and a series of in-depth interviews with a selected group of experts, the study aimed to identify stakeholder expectations on transparency and help M&S prioritise its transparency efforts. In this first of a series of three short blogposts, we are drawing on the survey findings to define the notion of transparency. … “M&S Stakeholder Transparency Study Highlights: Corporate Transparency Defined”