Insight of the Week: A Third of Sustainability Experts Identifying as Minorities Have Experienced Discrimination in Their Careers

A Third of Sustainability Experts Identifying as Minorities Have Experienced Discrimination in Their Careers % of Respondents Identifying as Minority Group Who Have Experienced Discrimination in Sustainability (n=93), 2021​ Among sustainability professionals who identify as a member of a minority group,* more than one-third say discrimination has negatively affected their career in sustainability. In a recent survey of 496 sustainability experts in 75 countries, only 12 percent say they are part of a minority racial or ethnic group, and even … “Insight of the Week: A Third of Sustainability Experts Identifying as Minorities Have Experienced Discrimination in Their Careers”

Insight of the Week: A Third of Female Sustainability Professionals Have Experienced Discrimination in Their Careers

A Third of Female Sustainability Professionals Have Experienced Discrimination in Their Careers % of Respondents Not Identifying as Male Who Have Experienced Discrimination in Sustainability (n=161), 2021​ In GlobeScan and The SustainAbility Institute by ERM‘s recent survey of 496 sustainability experts in 75 countries, only 39 percent identify as female, suggesting the sustainability field remains male-dominated overall. The gender gap narrows to about 50-50 in corporate roles and among experts in North America. Around the world, newcomers to the profession … “Insight of the Week: A Third of Female Sustainability Professionals Have Experienced Discrimination in Their Careers”

State of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for Sustainability Professionals | Report

In this report, we share findings based on responses to a number of diversity questions that we asked as part of a larger GlobeScan-SustainAbility Survey, Evaluating Progress on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which was published in February 2021 with our partners from The Sustainability Institute by ERM. The intention was to explore the current state of diversity among the sustainability professionals who take our surveys, and to find out whether and how women and/or those belonging to one or … “State of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for Sustainability Professionals | Report”

Social and Environmental Values Increasingly Drive Consumers’ Choices, According to New Research

Nearly nine in ten people who recognise the Fairtrade label trust it, compared with much lower trust in companies’ self-reported sustainability performance People are paying more attention than ever to the conditions behind the products they buy as a way to make a difference in the world, according to new research findings released by GlobeScan and Fairtrade International today. Conducted by GlobeScan in 15 countries and reaching more than 15,000 people, the consumer survey points to everyday shopping choices as … “Social and Environmental Values Increasingly Drive Consumers’ Choices, According to New Research”

Insight of the Week: Four Key Drivers of Inequality in the Coming Years

Four Key Drivers of Inequality in the Coming Years Major Trends, 2021 Rising inequality is a defining challenge of our time and current approaches to addressing it are perceived to be highly insufficient. A multi-stakeholder research project identified four mega-trends (health, future of work, social divisions, and climate change) both as drivers and as possible areas for solutions to respond to this complex challenge. These wider cross-cutting trends provide a great starting point for identifying pathways to effective action in … “Insight of the Week: Four Key Drivers of Inequality in the Coming Years”

Panel Discussion and Online Forum on Accelerating Nature-based Solutions

On 9th June 2021, Reckitt and GlobeScan hosted a panel discussion and online forum on Accelerating Nature-based Solutions (or ecosystem solutions). This 90-minute online event comprised a livestream panel discussion followed by a moderated and interactive, text-based, online innovation jam where participants were able to connect with peers from around the world to share insights and ideas on the latest trends and perspectives on nature-based solutions, key opportunities and an assessment of the corporate role in accelerating nature-based solutions in the lead … “Panel Discussion and Online Forum on Accelerating Nature-based Solutions”

Radically Better Food | Report & Webinar

4 Imperatives for Regenerative Brands Over the past year, our relationship with food has been transformed in ways that many of us have never known. We’ve become reacquainted with our kitchens during the lockdown. We’ve learned just how fragile our food supply chains are. And new insights on issues from food insecurity and injustice to the environmental impact of how we eat have us reconsidering our relationships with food and the brands that deliver it to our plates. To help … “Radically Better Food | Report & Webinar”

Building Corporate Leadership In Addressing Inequality | Report

A GlobeScan Shared Research Program Rising inequality is a defining challenge of our time. While inequality in itself stands as an underlying trend, in recent years it has reemerged as a social and political flash point across many countries. In particular, 2020 has seen a sharp increase in inequality throughout the world, with the COVID-19 pandemic’s devastating fallout affecting the most vulnerable, along with the growing demand for social justice marked by Black Lives Matter protests. According to the latest … “Building Corporate Leadership In Addressing Inequality | Report”

Second Life: Are Consumers Really Ready for a Circular Shopping Economy?

In GlobeScan’s 2020 Healthy & Sustainable Living survey of global consumers, 74% said they agree that they need to consume less to preserve the environment for future generations, vs 66% in 2019. But opinions are mixed when it comes to shopping secondhand, renting or leasing items — pointing to the persistence of that pesky intention-action gap. A perfect storm is emerging that points to a growing need for a more circular economy. Read the full article on

Insight of the Week: Germany and Scandinavian Countries Seen as Most Likely to Implement the European Green Deal

Germany and Scandinavian Countries Seen as Most Likely to Implement the European Green Deal Countries Most Likely vs Least Likely To Do Their Fair Share to Implement the European Green Deal, Total Mentions, Expert Stakeholders, Globally, 2020/21 When asked which countries are most likely to do their fair share to implement the European Green Deal, more than half of sustainability experts surveyed point to Germany and Scandinavian countries. In contrast, Poland and Hungary are among the least likely contributors, followed … “Insight of the Week: Germany and Scandinavian Countries Seen as Most Likely to Implement the European Green Deal”