GreenBiz Research, in partnership with GlobeScan, engaged 20 experts from around the world to get their views on the pathway to a more circular economy. The shift to a more circular economy offers a compelling solution to the way the world currently conducts business. Circularity has the potential to change economic systems and help avoid devastating impacts to our climate and society. But circularity cannot happen in a vacuum. Migrating to a circular economy requires systemic change, not only to … “Report: How Consumer Engagement Can Drive Circularity”
Radar is a global public opinion research program of evidence and insights that is a vital part of GlobeScan’s contribution to helping influential organizations understand material issues, societal trends and the expectations people have of them. In uncertain times, leadership organizations need to build trust with their stakeholders and society and better engage with their external context. Since 1997, GlobeScan Radar has explored questions such as how concerns about several economic, environmental and social issues are changing, how people’s preferences … “The Latest Trends That Will Shape 2020 and Beyond | Report”
As we come to the end of the year, we close out 2019 with a review of our ten most widely read posts of the year. The GlobeScan community gravitated toward our contributions on the Sustainable Development Goals, corporate purpose, transparency, wildlife conservation, sustainable lifestyles, and leadership. We enter the next decade with an energized sense of living our purpose of building trusted leadership to create a better future. We look forward to working together in 2020 to help build … “Best of 2019 Highlights”
Hanna Hallin is H&M Group’s Global Strategy Lead, Transparency and Stakeholder Engagement. She joined H&M seven years ago after having several different roles at NGOs in Sweden, and later moved with her family to Hong Kong. H&M Group is a global fashion company with eight different brands, of which H&M is the largest. The company was founded in 1947, employs 177,000 people, and it is still majority owned by the founding family. According to Hanna, this contributes to a culture … “Recognizing Leaders: Hanna Hallin, H&M”
People across the world are increasingly worried about climate change, especially Gen Z Citizens across the world are increasingly saying that climate change is a serious issue; it now ranks among the top of a range of 18 global issues that people in 25 countries surveyed say are “very serious.” Concern about climate change ranks third after terrorism and environmental pollution in general, and on par with corruption and the depletion of natural resources. Over the past five years, concern … “Climate Change: A GlobeScan Insight Report”
Business’s social license to operate is eroding in Europe and North America There is a growing divide between developed and emerging markets in terms of people’s trust in business to act in society’s best interest. Those in developed markets are losing trust in global companies, while people in emerging markets remain generally more trusting of business. Trust in big business has fallen in recent years in the OECD member countries that GlobeScan has tracked over time. In Germany, fewer people … “Trust in Business: A GlobeScan Insight Report”
About the Survey The BSR/GlobeScan 11th Annual State of Sustainable Business Survey communicates the sustainability issues that companies are most focused on today. The survey includes responses from business leaders representing 125 global companies. Introduction The world is changing at a rapid pace. New technologies, shifting cultural norms, evolving economic structures, and unprecedented environmental threats are reshaping the planet. This survey provides insight into the world of sustainable business and identifies common perceptions and practices of corporate sustainability professionals. This is … “The 2019 BSR/GlobeScan State of Sustainable Business Survey | Report”
New research across 25 countries reveals significant opportunities for business and government to enable sustainable living for the benefit of both people and the planet Just-released global opinion research shows that many people are very interested in leading healthy and sustainable lives, but that there is a broad gap between intent and action. People say they need business and government to help, not least by providing products and services that make healthy and sustainable living easy and affordable. The Healthy … “Report: High Cost and Lack of Support are Key Barriers to More Healthy and Sustainable Living”
SDG Goal 16 Leadership Forum hosted by Anglo American / GlobeScan Read the full report from our online discussion of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, hosted with Anglo American. Learn from the perspectives of more than 80 participants from 18 countries who explored the role of businesses and other stakeholders in making progress on SDG 16, which aims to promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all … “Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions: Perspectives from the SDG 16 Leadership Forum | Report”
Alison Rabschnuk is Director of Corporate Engagement at The Good Food Institute (GFI). Alison leads the corporate engagement team in their work with leading food processing and food service companies, supermarkets, and restaurants to help increase the quality and quantity of plant-based products available on the market. GlobeScan’s Nadia Hazime spoke with Alison about the role that plant-based and cellular meat can play fostering the transition to a more healthy and sustainable food system. What is The Good Food Institute’s … “Recognizing Leaders: Alison Rabschnuk, The Good Food Institute”