GlobeScan Trends Research

Essential Insights from a Fast-changing World

Essential Insights from a Fast-changing World

GlobeScan conducts a wide range of long-term research studies with both consumers and professional stakeholders. These platforms help us to provide our clients with unique contextual insights and also allow us to contribute to the most important issues of the day.

Healthy & Sustainable Living

Since 2019, our Healthy & Sustainable Living research program provides brands with global and comparative research on the trends shaping consumer attitudes and behaviors related to sustainability.

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The GlobeScan / ERM Sustainability Institute Research Program

Our joint research program with The ERM Sustainability Institute has tracked global stakeholder opinions on the urgency of sustainability issues and best practice in policy and leadership since 1994.

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Oxford-GlobeScan Global Corporate Affairs Survey

Since 2020, GlobeScan and the Säid Business School at Oxford University conduct an annual survey of Corporate Affairs professionals on how to build enduring trust and strong reputations.

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GlobeScan Radar

Since 1997, our GlobeScan Radar global public opinion research program helps organizations understand issues, societal trends, and public expectations for business, civil society, and government.

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Customized insights to understand the concerns, expectations, and perspectives of your key stakeholders.


Advisory services that help you make strategic decisions with clarity and confidence.