Insight of the Week: Seriousness of Social and Political Division in my Country​

Seriousness of Social and Political Division in my Country​

“Very Serious,” by Country, 2020​​

There is great variability in public opinion across countries when it comes to concern about “social and political division in my country.” The perceived seriousness of societal polarization is especially acute in Nigeria, Brazil, Hong Kong, South Africa, the United States and Turkey. It is striking how little concern for domestic social and political division is expressed in China and Japan, as well as in Canada, Australia and France. In the USA, women, those with higher levels of education, Democratic voters, and Black, Hispanic, and Asian respondents tend to be significantly more concerned with the social and political division of their country than are men, low-educated, and Republican or independent voters.​


  • Question wording: For each of the following possible global problems, please indicate if you see it as a very serious, somewhat serious, not very serious or not at all serious problem.
  • Data Source: GlobeScan Radar, our 27-country, 27,000 person public opinion study on views of business, government and NGOs, issues tracking, and shifting societal expectations.

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