Discrimination Concern per Generation

Young People Express Stronger Concern about Discrimination Based on Ethnicity, Race, or Religion

GlobeScan’s global public opinion research shows that despite the ongoing backlash against corporate Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DE&I) initiatives primarily in highly polarized USA, and with companies increasingly worried about facing boycotts and campaigns by appearing too “woke,” young people, globally and in the USA, mostly say they are very concerned about discrimination based on ethnicity, race, or religion.

Based on a largely representative online survey of nearly 30,000 people across 31 countries and territories, Radar draws upon GlobeScan’s unique database of over two decades of polling public opinion about people’s outlook toward societal actors and the issues affecting them.

Results show that there is a large difference between generations in terms of the concern they feel about people being discriminated against based on ethnicity, race, or religion, with more than half of Gen Z respondents expressing stronger concern compared to just over one-third of Baby Boomers and older. The USA follows the same pattern, with as many as 59 percent of Gen Z saying this type of discrimination is “very serious,” compared to 35 percent of Baby Boomers and older.


GlobeScan’s research demonstrates the importance for brands to continue to focus on DE&I values, despite the current backlash among some groups. The more younger consumers feel engaged around issues on justice and equality, the more the brands may expect a majority of them to continue to support the DE&I agenda going forward.

Survey Question: For each of the following possible global problems, please indicate if you see it as a very serious, somewhat serious, not very serious, or not at all serious problem. – Discrimination based on ethnicity, race, or religion

Source: GlobeScan Radar Trends Report (survey of 29,565 people in the general public across 31 countries and territories in July ‒ August 2023)