Environmental Concerns are Prompting Diet Changes

Environmental Concerns Have Prompted Almost Half of Consumers to Change Their Diets

Nearly half of shoppers who are changing what they eat are doing so because of concerns about the environment according to a new global survey by GlobeScan and the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC). We surveyed over 27,000 people in the general public across 23 countries and asked them if their diets were changing.

Consumers are more conscious than ever about how their food choices impact the planet. Of the more than 22,000 people who said they were changing their diets, more than four in ten say it is because of environmental reasons, alongside health and price. The biggest change to people’s diets is in the consumption of red meat, like beef and lamb, with 39 percent of those surveyed saying they have reduced their consumption over the past two years. One in ten say they are eating more seafood, while three in ten say they have been eating less. Over a quarter of survey respondents (27%) say they would eat more seafood in the future if they knew it was not causing harm to the ocean. 


These results mirror our broader findings in our annual Healthy & Sustainable Living study and the public’s perception of the challenges that the world faces. Even during a cost-of-living crisis, environmental issues are still a major concern to consumers. Environmental concerns are an important motivator for changing the way we eat, whether it is eating less red meat or consuming more sustainable seafood. This presents an opportunity for brands to tap into this motivator to better engage consumers, and they can do so by leveraging third-party certification organizations like the MSC which recognizes and rewards sustainable fishing practices to help preserve the oceans for future generations.

Survey Question: What are the reasons for changing your diet?

Source: GlobeScan/Marine Stewardship Council Consumer Insights Survey (survey of 27,000 people in the general public across 23 countries in 2024)