Webinar | 2021 China Ivory Consumption and Demand Reduction Research

Consumer Demand for Ivory Remains in Decline, WWF’s Fifth Annual Survey in China Finds

WWF has released its fifth annual report with GlobeScan on China’s ivory consumption.

This research was conducted for the first time in Sep-Oct 2017, before the implementation of China’s ivory trade ban on December 31st of that year. The study, which is the largest-ever consumer research in China on this topic, has been repeated every year after the ban to evaluate changes in consumers’ awareness, attitudes and behaviour, specifically past purchase incidence, future intention to buy, consumer profiles and segments, ban awareness, campaign recall and more.

To help launch the 2021 report, we hosted a webinar to explore the key findings of the research: why consumers buy ivory, where (channel, country), what they buy, and which communication campaigns work best to change this ivory consumption behavior.

The webinar was opened by WWF, followed by an in-depth presentation from GlobeScan to introduce the background, methodology and findings of the research, with a panel discuss and Q&A session afterwards. Speakers and panelists included:

Watch the full webinar recording: