Tarred by the Same Brush: How Should American Companies React to the Declining Reputation of the US?
Among global publics, the US has never been the most popular country, at least in terms of the way people view the impact it has on the world. We know this because of the long-term tracking survey GlobeScan has conducted with the BBC World Service since 2005. In our latest global country poll for the BBC World Service, the US showed the most substantial decline in ratings out of all the countries polled this year. In 2012, the US … “Tarred by the Same Brush: How Should American Companies React to the Declining Reputation of the US?”
The march towards the implementation of the SDGs is gaining traction. An ever-growing network of stakeholders is willing to join forces to tackle these 17 societal challenges. Because the Goals relate to global problems that have a real impact on each of us as human beings, directly or indirectly, it is revealing to reflect on the idea of global citizenship and how it is progressing among the public. Continue reading this article at UNESCO.org
Saint, Sinner or Change Maker? Measuring the Impact of NGOs on Corporate Reputation It’s a truism that today’s NGOs are political weather-makers across a wide range of issues. From the environment and consumerism to human rights and animal welfare, we see corporations often struggling with NGO-led public policy storms nationally and globally. What is the effect of NGO campaigns on corporate reputation? Are they affecting public trust in NGOs versus business, and if so, what are the policy implications? And … “Upcoming Webinar: Saint, Sinner or Change Maker? Measuring the Impact of NGOs on Corporate Reputation”
Mid-May 2017, more than 2,000 sustainability professionals gathered in Detroit for the annual Sustainable Brands conference. SB’17 Detroit’s theme Redefining the Good Life was designed to let delegates explore “how redefined societal aspirations are transforming the way brands deliver value for their customers.” During the opening night plenaries, Eric Whan of GlobeScan and Mark Lee of SustainAbility presented the results of the 2017 GlobeScan-SustainAbility Leaders Survey. The GSS Leaders Survey has been running for two decades and explores sustainability expert views … “Building the Good Life: Evolving Perceptions of Corporate Sustainability Leadership”
Recognized as the most sustainable company in Latin America, Brazilian cosmetics manufacturer Natura is about to become a global player. It has offered €1 billion to L’Oreal for the acquisition of The Body Shop. The deal, set to be finalized by the end of this year, will solve one of Natura’s biggest challenges: how to scale up faster in the developed markets of Europe and the United States. Natura’s admiration for The Body Shop began a long time ago. The … “Natura’s Journey to Becoming a Global Company”
CSR Europe, a leading European business network for Corporate Social Responsibility, and GlobeScan have partnered to deliver a survey among 160 European business leaders to explore the current state of play with companies and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Read the full report, press release, and explore the following infographic that highlights some of the key findings of our study. (click to enlarge)
Cranfield University came to GlobeScan with a mission – they wanted to understand what needs to be done to unlock opportunities for sustainable entrepreneurship, and they needed a way to crowdsource ideas on the topic from a vast range of stakeholders. Their goal was the final milestone concluding EU-InnovatE, an EU-funded research project investigating the innovative and entrepreneurial roles of individuals and organisations to shape a green economy. Together we embarked on the Sustainability Innovation Exchange. We coupled GlobeScan’s experience in … “Harnessing the Power of Stakeholder Engagement for Sustainability Innovation”
Join us for a webinar, ahead of publication of the report and held at two times to accommodate our global audiences, on the results of our annual BSR/GlobeScan State of Sustainable Business Survey. Since 2008, BSR has partnered with GlobeScan to survey the BSR membership on the ‘State of Sustainable Business,’ an annual study that looks at trends, successes, and challenges facing sustainability practitioners today. This year, it is more important than ever to learn how BSR members are driving sustainable business in today’s dynamic climate. Participants … “Upcoming Webinar: The State of Sustainable Business 2017 – Results from the BSR/GlobeScan Survey”
GlobeScan and Cranfield University invite you to join our upcoming online text-based conversation on how policy can channel the innovative power of individuals towards more sustainable ways of living. Do you believe in the ‘power of many’ to solve the complex sustainability challenges we all face? Do you have an interest in how innovation can unlock sustainable lifestyles? If so, join us for the Sustainability Innovation Exchange, a virtual workshop led by Cranfield University and hosted by GlobeScan on 25th … “Upcoming Event: Cranfield University Sustainability Innovation Exchange”
GlobeScan and SustainAbility are delighted to invite you to a webinar to discuss the results of our assessment of experts’ views on progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We asked over 500 experienced corporate sustainability professionals in 74 countries to evaluate the progress that has been made on each SDG, to rank their relative urgency and also to share insights into the priorities within their own organizations. Corporate experts were also asked how their own companies are responding to the … “Upcoming Webinar: Evaluating SDG Progress: Highlights from a GlobeScan/SustainAbility Survey”