The impacts of political, economic, and social instability are dominating the external environment in which companies operate. Among growing material risks, social polarisation is now emerging as a core area that companies need to prioritise, with nearly seven in ten corporate professionals viewing it as a great risk to business. The potential risks of a polarised society are manifold, but three main areas emerge as being highly associated with polarisation: instability, greater economic inequality and slowdown, and eroding trust. In … “Social Polarisation: Insights from Corporate Professionals – Spanish Report”
Opinions and Insights from Corporate Professionals 5th December 2017 – The impacts of political, economic, and social instability are dominating the external environment in which companies operate. Among growing material risks, social polarisation is now emerging as a core area that companies need to prioritise, according to findings from GlobeScan’s new global survey of corporate affairs professionals. Nearly seven in ten corporate professionals view social polarisation as a great risk to business. The potential risks of a polarised society are … “Social Polarisation: A New Risk to Integrate for Business | Report”
A Global Survey of Corporate Affairs Professionals The impacts of political, economic, and social instability are dominating the external environment in which companies operate. Among growing material risks, social polarisation is now emerging as a core area that companies need to prioritise, with nearly seven in ten corporate professionals viewing it as a great risk to business. The potential risks of a polarised society are manifold, but three main areas emerge as being highly associated with polarisation: Instability Greater economic … “Social Polarisation: Opinions and Insights from Corporate Professionals | Report”
9 November 2016 – A recent self-assessment by corporate affairs professionals of how much their corporation is trusted by stakeholders depicts a context of uncertainty. Only one in five (21%) believes their company holds a very high amount of trust to operate in the best interest of society, according to findings from GlobeScan’s new global survey of corporate affairs professionals. They are countered by the same proportion who report their stakeholders have very little or no trust at all in their … “Trust is Increasingly Managed Like a Risk and Redefines the Approach to Business by Corporate Affairs Professionals”