Insight of the Week: Stakeholders Predict Inequality as Biggest Outcome from the Pandemic; Much Less Pessimistic on Sustainability

Overall, experts are now more optimistic that the pandemic will not derail action on sustainable development. In 2020, almost half of sustainability professionals predicted a de-prioritization of the sustainability agenda over the coming decade as a result of the coronavirus. Now just one in four experts believe this will happen. Furthermore, a third of experts believe more attention will be given to the environment due to the pandemic. However, COVID-19 is perceived to be exacerbating socio-economic challenges, with nearly four … “Insight of the Week: Stakeholders Predict Inequality as Biggest Outcome from the Pandemic; Much Less Pessimistic on Sustainability”

Insight of the Week: WWF, Greenpeace, and WRI Are Viewed as Leading NGOs in Advancing Sustainable Development

World Wildlife Fund (WWF) remains the most widely recognized NGO for its contribution to sustainable development, followed by Greenpeace and World Resources Institute (WRI). Professionals in the NGO and corporate sectors and those based in Asia-Pacific and Europe tend to be more likely to see World Wildlife Fund as a sustainability leader than respondents from other sectors and regions. While the selection of most-recognized NGOs has remained almost the same compared to last year, Greta Thunberg’s climate-focused youth movement, Fridays … “Insight of the Week: WWF, Greenpeace, and WRI Are Viewed as Leading NGOs in Advancing Sustainable Development”

Insight of the Week: Unilever, Patagonia, Natura &Co, and IKEA Most Recognized For Their Sustainability Leadership

Unilever remains the company most recognized by sustainability professionals across the world for its sustainability leadership, followed by Patagonia, Natura &Co, and IKEA. While the top ten companies are largely consistent over the past few years, there are some new entrants this year in the top 15 group of companies, including Kering, Schneider Electric, and Suzano. A commitment to an ambitious business model and strategy is increasingly seen as the defining attribute of corporate sustainability. Data source: GlobeScan / SustainAbility … “Insight of the Week: Unilever, Patagonia, Natura &Co, and IKEA Most Recognized For Their Sustainability Leadership”

Insight of the Week: Strong Public Support for Government Action to Protect Nature, Even if it Restricts Business Activity

Out of the 27 countries surveyed an overwhelming percentage (up to 92%) want governments to take stronger action to protect nature, even if it means restricting business activities. On World Conservation Day it is important to highlight the public’s desire for governments to act now. This is especially the case in developing countries with those in Kenya, Mexico and Vietnam agreeing the most that governments should take strong action. People in Japan agree the least (although still over 50%). Data … “Insight of the Week: Strong Public Support for Government Action to Protect Nature, Even if it Restricts Business Activity”

Insight of the Week: Corporate Affairs Experts Rank Employees as the Most Important Stakeholder Group

Corporate Affairs experts rank employees as their most important stakeholder group, followed by shareholders and the investment community. This finding highlights corporate efforts to connect with employees during COVID-19 and speaks to the importance of maintaining a talented workforce for long-term growth, especially in a time of purpose-driven business. Data source: Oxford-GlobeScan Global Corporate Affairs Survey Report 2021

Insight of the Week: Corporate Affairs Professionals Say Climate Change is the Most Pressing ESG Issue for Global Business

ESG performance tops the list of Corporate Affairs risk priorities globally for organizations, and Corporate Affairs professionals surveyed across the world point to climate change as the most pressing ESG issue. While climate change broadly is less top-of-mind since last year, there is a dramatic increase in concern around net zero and carbon emissions as a critical issue. This suggests that Corporate Affairs priorities are becoming more focused on net zero strategies. The COP 26 meeting in Glasgow later this … “Insight of the Week: Corporate Affairs Professionals Say Climate Change is the Most Pressing ESG Issue for Global Business”

Insight of the Week: Corporate Action on Inequality Requires a Value Chain Approach

Corporate Action on Inequality Requires a Value Chain Approach Building Corporate Leadership in Addressing Inequality, 2021​ According to in-depth interviews with key opinion formers, the inequality agenda stretches wide and deep across a company’s value chain. To drive real equity at scale, these actions need to extend beyond the corporate workplace to the supply chain, communities, customers, external partners, and through public policy. Meaningful action on inequality requires a holistic approach across the value chain where no one is left … “Insight of the Week: Corporate Action on Inequality Requires a Value Chain Approach”

Insight of the Week: A Third of Sustainability Experts Identifying as Minorities Have Experienced Discrimination in Their Careers

A Third of Sustainability Experts Identifying as Minorities Have Experienced Discrimination in Their Careers % of Respondents Identifying as Minority Group Who Have Experienced Discrimination in Sustainability (n=93), 2021​ Among sustainability professionals who identify as a member of a minority group,* more than one-third say discrimination has negatively affected their career in sustainability. In a recent survey of 496 sustainability experts in 75 countries, only 12 percent say they are part of a minority racial or ethnic group, and even … “Insight of the Week: A Third of Sustainability Experts Identifying as Minorities Have Experienced Discrimination in Their Careers”

Insight of the Week: A Third of Female Sustainability Professionals Have Experienced Discrimination in Their Careers

A Third of Female Sustainability Professionals Have Experienced Discrimination in Their Careers % of Respondents Not Identifying as Male Who Have Experienced Discrimination in Sustainability (n=161), 2021​ In GlobeScan and The SustainAbility Institute by ERM‘s recent survey of 496 sustainability experts in 75 countries, only 39 percent identify as female, suggesting the sustainability field remains male-dominated overall. The gender gap narrows to about 50-50 in corporate roles and among experts in North America. Around the world, newcomers to the profession … “Insight of the Week: A Third of Female Sustainability Professionals Have Experienced Discrimination in Their Careers”

Insight of the Week: Four Key Drivers of Inequality in the Coming Years

Four Key Drivers of Inequality in the Coming Years Major Trends, 2021 Rising inequality is a defining challenge of our time and current approaches to addressing it are perceived to be highly insufficient. A multi-stakeholder research project identified four mega-trends (health, future of work, social divisions, and climate change) both as drivers and as possible areas for solutions to respond to this complex challenge. These wider cross-cutting trends provide a great starting point for identifying pathways to effective action in … “Insight of the Week: Four Key Drivers of Inequality in the Coming Years”