Economic Inequality Is Seen as a Bigger Investment Risk Than Climate Change Shareholder Views on Investment Risk, Agree (Somewhat and Strongly), Subsample: Shareholders, Average of 27 Countries (n=9,648), 2020 Strong majorities of retail investors – people in the general population who own shares directly or indirectly – believe that both economic inequality and climate change are significant risks for shareholders. Only in South Korea and Sweden are retail investors more worried about climate change than inequality, a surprising finding given … “Insight of the Week: Economic Inequality Is Seen as a Bigger Investment Risk Than Climate Change”
Urgency of Societal Challenges % of Experts, “Urgent” (4+5), 2011–2020 The perceived urgency of acting on climate change has been steadily increasing over the last decade among those surveyed in GlobeScan and SustainAbility’s survey of sustainability professionals, with 94 percent of respondents now saying that the challenge is “very urgent.” Climate, biodiversity loss, water scarcity, and poverty have been consistently seen as the greatest social and environmental challenges facing the global community, but 2020 has also seen a dramatic rise … “Insight of the Week: Urgency of Societal Challenges”
Seriousness of Climate Change “Very Serious” and “Somewhat Serious,” Average of 16 Countries* vs USA, 2015–2020 As the United States once again joins the Paris Agreement under President Biden’s new leadership, GlobeScan’s research shows that over the past five years, Americans’ worries about the climate have become increasingly aligned with the rest of the world. More than eight in ten Americans now say that climate change is a very or somewhat serious issue, with those under 30 years of age … “Insight of the Week: Seriousness of Climate Change”
Performance of Technology vs Social Media Sectors in Fulfilling Responsibilities to Society Net Performance,* Average 27 Countries, 2020 Technology and computer companies are viewed by the general public as performing better on fulfilling their responsibilities to society than social media companies, with people in 25 out of 27 countries rating technology companies higher (people in Kenya and Vietnam rate social media companies slightly higher). Perceptions of the two sectors differ the most in the UK, where people hold particularly negative … “Insight of the Week: Performance of Technology vs Social Media Sectors in Fulfilling Responsibilities to Society”
Seriousness of Social and Political Division in my Country “Very Serious,” by Country, 2020 There is great variability in public opinion across countries when it comes to concern about “social and political division in my country.” The perceived seriousness of societal polarization is especially acute in Nigeria, Brazil, Hong Kong, South Africa, the United States and Turkey. It is striking how little concern for domestic social and political division is expressed in China and Japan, as well as in Canada, … “Insight of the Week: Seriousness of Social and Political Division in my Country”
Have Been Inspired by Online Influencer or Celebrity to Live a Sustainable Lifestyle By Generation, Average of 27 Markets, 2020 Younger people look to influencers for inspiration to be environmentally friendly. Those belonging to younger generations are much more likely than older generations to say that they are frequently inspired by online influencers or celebrities promoting more sustainable lifestyles. On average across 27 markets surveyed in GlobeScan’s Healthy & Sustainable Living study, almost three-quarters (72%) of Gen Z respondents … “Insight of the Week: Have Been Inspired by Online Influencer or Celebrity to Live a Sustainable Lifestyle”
Most Important Priorities for Corporate Affairs Professionals 2020 Building trust and protecting reputation is a key priority. Crafting and/or delivering on a sustainability strategy through effective stakeholder engagement in order to protect reputation and build trust with stakeholders are three of the top four priorities of Corporate Affairs professionals. Being transparent about reporting on ESG goals completes the top four priorities. Although listed as individual priorities, all four revolve around trust building with stakeholders. Notes: Question wording: Could you name … “Insight of the Week: Most Important Priorities for Corporate Affairs Professionals”
Consumer Purchasing Behaviors: EU* vs USA “Extremely” and “Very Interested,” 2020 European and American consumers differ in their interest in sustainable shopping behavior. Europeans are more interested than Americans in some key sustainable consumption behaviors, including being keener on prioritizing durability, recycled materials, responsible brands, and third-party certification. Differences are largest in terms of third-party certifications, with fewer than half of US consumers expressing interest compared to nearly six in ten European consumers. Notes: * Includes: France, Germany, Italy, Spain, … “Insight of the Week: Consumer Purchasing Behaviors: EU vs USA”
Priority for Post-COVID-19 Economic Recovery Global Public Opinion, 2020 There is strong public support to build back better in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Majorities in 16 out of 27 markets surveyed say they would prefer to see a restructuring of the economy that addresses challenges like climate change and inequality, rather than simply getting the economy back to normal as soon as possible. Younger generations and those with higher education are more supportive of building back better, as … “Insight of the Week: Priority for Post-COVID-19 Economic Recovery”
Most Recognized NGO Sustainability Leaders % Experts, Total Mentions, Unprompted 2020 The World Wildlife Fund continues to lead as the most recognized NGO advancing global sustainable development among sustainability professionals across 71 countries across the world, with a sharp increase in positive perceptions since 2019. Greenpeace keeps a stable second position, driven particularly by strong recognition among European and Latin American experts. World Resources Institute is also increasingly pointed to as a leader, especially in North America. Notes: Question wording: … “Insight of the Week: Most Recognized NGO Sustainability Leaders”