Public Narrowly Backs UN Recognition of Palestine: Global Poll

[jumplinks] Download the Press Release (PDF) 2 November 2011 – As debate continues over whether the Palestinians should ask for a UN resolution recognising Palestine as an independent state, a new global poll for BBC World Service reveals that, in all 19 countries surveyed, more citizens would prefer to see their government vote to support the resolution than vote against it – although only by a modest margin in many countries. The poll of 20,446 citizens conducted by GlobeScan shows that, … “Public Narrowly Backs UN Recognition of Palestine: Global Poll”

Social Media Users “More Active” As Ethical Consumers: Global Poll

20 July 2011 – Regular users of Facebook, Twitter and other online social media expect higher levels of corporate responsibility from companies, and are more likely to act on their values as ethical consumers, according to a new GlobeScan 28-nation poll released today. The poll of 28,889 people reveals that when compared to non-users of social media, regular users hold companies to a higher ethical standard, particularly when it comes to their environmental responsibility, and are also more likely to act … “Social Media Users “More Active” As Ethical Consumers: Global Poll”

Global Poll Shows Public Support for Taliban Negotiations

[jumplinks] 22 June 2011 – Negotiating with the Taliban is the public’s preferred strategy for NATO to adopt in Afghanistan, rather than trying to defeat the Taliban or withdrawing troops immediately, according to the results of a BBC World Service 24-nation poll released today. The results of the GlobeScan/PIPA poll of more than 24,000 people indicate that more would prefer to see NATO negotiate with the Taliban on a peace agreement that would include them in the government (40%) than favour … “Global Poll Shows Public Support for Taliban Negotiations”

Indian Brands Set to Conquer the West: New Report

Download the Report (PDF) Key findings: Western brands need to watch out. Self-confident Indians place seven local champions in their Top 10. (UK index had just four indigenous British brands.) Index leaders have successfully penetrated Western markets. Infosys (No 1) and Tata (No 2) are both true global corporations, with significant investments in US and UK. Top-rated brands exploit high value sectors previously dominated by the West. Infosys develops 3D phone screens. Tata makes Land Rovers. Indians value engineering and construction. In India, civil … “Indian Brands Set to Conquer the West: New Report”

U.S. Mayors Find Ways to Advance Energy, Sustainability Efforts Despite Economy

Download the Report (PDF) 17 June 2011 – Despite challenging economic conditions, a landmark survey of nearly 400 mayors in all 50 states has found that energy and sustainability efforts have maintained momentum within cities. The study, prepared for The U.S. Conference of Mayors and sponsored by Siemens, was based on survey research conducted from April to May, 2011, by the international research consultancy GlobeScan. Among its key findings, the survey noted: Three in four cities expect their use of clean … “U.S. Mayors Find Ways to Advance Energy, Sustainability Efforts Despite Economy”

Rising Food Prices Are Changing What We Eat, Reveals New Global Food Survey

World statesmen, actors and musicians start global conversation on food 15 June 2011 – People around the world are changing what they eat because of the rising cost of food according to a new global survey released today as part of the GROW campaign. Agriculture Ministers from the powerful group of G20 countries are meeting in France next week and will discuss the global food price crisis. The public opinion poll was conducted in 17 countries including Australia, Brazil, Germany, Ghana, … “Rising Food Prices Are Changing What We Eat, Reveals New Global Food Survey”

Sustainability Experts View Nuclear Power as “Not Essential” to Low-Carbon Future

Download the Future of Energy Report (PDF) 7 June 2012 – A majority of sustainability experts believe society can achieve a sustainable, low-carbon energy future without nuclear power, according to the latest findings from The Sustainability Survey Research Program released Monday by international consultancies, GlobeScan and SustainAbility. Also, most experts view nuclear technology less favourably after the crises at Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi plant, although nearly half say their view of the technology has not changed as a result of the crises. … “Sustainability Experts View Nuclear Power as “Not Essential” to Low-Carbon Future”

Indonesia and USA “Most Entrepreneur-Friendly Nations”: Global Poll

[jumplinks] Download the release 25 May 2011 – Indonesia, the USA, Canada, India, and Australia are among the countries with the best cultures in the world for people to start a new business, while Colombia, Egypt, Turkey, Italy and Russia are the least friendly to innovation and entrepreneurship, according to the results of a global 24-country BBC World Service poll released today. The poll also finds that Americans and Chinese are equally likely to say that their country values creativity and … “Indonesia and USA “Most Entrepreneur-Friendly Nations”: Global Poll”

Sharp Drop in American Enthusiasm for Free Market, Poll Shows

6 April 2011 – American public support for the free market economy has dropped sharply in the past year, and is now lower than in China, according to a GlobeScan poll released today. The findings, drawn from 12,884 interviews across 25 countries, show that there has been a sharp fall in the number of Americans who think that the free market economy is the best economic system for the future. Free Market Economy Is the Best System   When GlobeScan began … “Sharp Drop in American Enthusiasm for Free Market, Poll Shows”

Rising Concern about China’s Increasing Power: Global Poll

[jumplinks] Download the release 27 March 2011 – Public concern is growing about China’s increasing economic power, according to a new global poll conducted for BBC World Service. The poll conducted by GlobeScan/PIPA among 28,619 people in 27 countries reveals that the numbers who say that China becoming more powerful economically is a bad thing have increased substantially across a number of China’s key trading partners—and especially in G7 countries. Compared to BBC World Service polling in 2005, negative views of … “Rising Concern about China’s Increasing Power: Global Poll”