Sharp Drop in World Views of US, UK: Global Poll

4 July 2017 – Negative views of US influence in the world have increased in the majority of countries surveyed in the latest global country poll for the BBC World Service. Compared to 2014, when the poll was last conducted, double-digit increases in negative views of the US, rising to majorities, are now found in several of its NATO allies, including the UK (up from 42 to 64%), Spain (44 to 67%), France (41 to 56%), and Turkey (36 to 64%). … “Sharp Drop in World Views of US, UK: Global Poll”

GlobeScan Announces the Appointment of New Board Member

30th June 2017 – GlobeScan is pleased to announce the appointment of Tensie Whelan as a new member of its Board of Directors. Doug Miller, Chairman at GlobeScan said: “It is with great pleasure that I welcome Tensie Whelan as a new independent Director of GlobeScan. Tensie brings unique perspective and experience to our company, from her 15 years as President of the Rainforest Alliance in New York and more recently as the Director of the Center for Sustainable Business at … “GlobeScan Announces the Appointment of New Board Member”

Values, Innovation and Transparency Key to Future Corporate Sustainability Leadership: Latest Survey of Experts

28 June 2017 – Integrating sustainability values, demonstrating innovation and fostering transparency will be defining characteristics of leading organizations in the next ten years, according to the findings of the 2017 Sustainability Leaders Survey by GlobeScan and SustainAbility in partnership with Sustainable Brands. The Sustainability Leaders Survey has tracked expert opinions globally on the evolution of the sustainability agenda for two decades, along with views on the leading organizations most responsible for driving it forward. Over 1,000 experts in 79 countries … “Values, Innovation and Transparency Key to Future Corporate Sustainability Leadership: Latest Survey of Experts”

Experts Highly Concerned About President Trump’s Impact on the Sustainability Agenda

The Paris Agreement, renewables, the SDGs and human rights all expected to be impacted 26 June 2017 – In a recent survey, GlobeScan and SustainAbility asked over 500 sustainability professionals in 74 countries (between 22 November 2016 and 9 January 2017) how they expected Donald Trump’s election as US President to affect the international sustainability agenda. Over eight in ten (82%) of the experts surveyed thought that the election of Trump would have a negative impact on the implementation of the Paris Agreement. … “Experts Highly Concerned About President Trump’s Impact on the Sustainability Agenda”

American Public Divided on the Need to Take Action on Climate Change

1 June 2017 – President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement sends a strong signal to the rest of the world that the US government does not prioritize climate change, despite almost half (49%) of the American public supporting the need to take “major action” according to new research. Results show that 56 percent of people across 19 countries surveyed say that we should take immediate major action to reduce human impacts on climate, while 28 per cent say that … “American Public Divided on the Need to Take Action on Climate Change”

CSR Europe Study Reveals Economic Potential of the Sustainable Development Goals for Europe and Imperatives to Meet the UN 2030 Agenda.

Brussels, Belgium, 22 May 2017 – Today more than three hundred representatives from business, government, and non-governmental organisations gathered in Brussels at the European Business Summit to discuss the Sustainable Development Goals and their value for Europe. CSR Europe’s conference at EBS focussed on the role that businesses can play in bringing about positive societal impact while at the same time generating shared value. At the conference, new research was presented, along with a call for greater collaboration inside companies, between companies … “CSR Europe Study Reveals Economic Potential of the Sustainable Development Goals for Europe and Imperatives to Meet the UN 2030 Agenda.”

Canadians Remain Conflicted About Our Most Precious Natural Resource: Fresh Water

Ten years of RBC Canadian Water Attitudes data tells a story of contradictions TORONTO, 20 March 2017 – Today, as Canada Water Week kicks off across the country, RBC released its 10th annual Canadian Water Attitudes Study—an in-depth examination of how Canadians think, feel, and act in regard to our fresh water. The story that has emerged is both complex and enlightening. On one hand, it confirms how much Canadians value our water and how integral our lakes and rivers are … “Canadians Remain Conflicted About Our Most Precious Natural Resource: Fresh Water”

New Survey of Experts Finds Slow Start Towards Sustainable Development Goals

16 March 2017 – Sustainability practitioners see little progress made to date towards each of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs or Global Goals) – as well as poor progress on sustainable development overall, according to the findings of the just-released report Evaluating Progress Towards the Sustainable Development Goals by GlobeScan and SustainAbility. While sustainability experts agree that society’s progress on all of the SDGs has been meagre, the specific goals of Reduced Inequalities, Life Below Water, Life on Land, … “New Survey of Experts Finds Slow Start Towards Sustainable Development Goals”

Perceptions of Seriousness of Climate Change at Historically High Levels in the USA

15 December 2016 – Despite the possibility of a drastic change in direction on climate change policy after the election of Donald Trump to the presidency in the USA, GlobeScan’s tracking shows that the American public now believes more than ever that climate change is a “very serious” problem. Results from GlobeScan’s 2016 Radar research show that Americans’ sense that climate change is a serious issue has rebounded after steadily declining in the aftermath of the 2007–2008 financial crisis. Just over … “Perceptions of Seriousness of Climate Change at Historically High Levels in the USA”

Trust is Increasingly Managed Like a Risk and Redefines the Approach to Business by Corporate Affairs Professionals

9 November 2016 – A recent self-assessment by corporate affairs professionals of how much their corporation is trusted by stakeholders depicts a context of uncertainty. Only one in five (21%) believes their company holds a very high amount of trust to operate in the best interest of society, according to findings from GlobeScan’s new global survey of corporate affairs professionals. They are countered by the same proportion who report their stakeholders have very little or no trust at all in their … “Trust is Increasingly Managed Like a Risk and Redefines the Approach to Business by Corporate Affairs Professionals”