GlobeScan Announces the Appointment of New Board Member

12th October 2016 – GlobeScan is pleased to announce the appointment of Gail Klintworth as a new member of its Board of Directors. Doug Miller, Chairman at GlobeScan said: “It is with great pleasure that I welcome Gail Klintworth as a new independent Director of GlobeScan. Gail brings vital perspective and experience to our company, from her time as Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO) of Unilever and more recently with the Old Mutual Group. She has a fresh outlook from working … “GlobeScan Announces the Appointment of New Board Member”

A Changing Tide In Africa: CIGI-Globescan Survey Reveals New Perspectives On Conflict And Change

30 August 2016 – For decades, much of Africa was presumed to be perpetually immersed in conflict and instability. But a new survey commissioned by the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) and conducted by independent research consultancy GlobeScan reveals Africans are less concerned about state-driven violence and conflict than corruption and lack of economic opportunities. The survey is part of CIGI’s multi-year project examining Africa and its capacity to prevent, contain, and resolve violent conflicts. The project recently published Minding … “A Changing Tide In Africa: CIGI-Globescan Survey Reveals New Perspectives On Conflict And Change”

Shoppers Expect Business And Government To Make Food Fairer

LONDON, UK – 17 August 2016 – A new survey, published today has revealed that the vast majority of British consumers believe it is the responsibility of businesses and the government to make food fair. The research shows 92% of shoppers said food companies should ensure food production is fair and sustainable, whilst 85% said they expected the government to take responsibility for this. Consumers also want the people who grow their food to be protected from unfair trade such as … “Shoppers Expect Business And Government To Make Food Fairer”

Doping a Problem but Olympic Success Remains a Driver of National Pride: Global Poll

  Download this Press Release (PDF) A new BBC World Service poll suggests a majority say doping scandals reduce their interest in the Olympics. Overall pride in how well their country performs in the Games has softened since before the London Games. The poll, conducted by GlobeScan among more than 19,000 people in 19 countries between December 2015 and April 2016 asked the public to what extent their attention to the Olympic Games is negatively affected due to the use … “Doping a Problem but Olympic Success Remains a Driver of National Pride: Global Poll”

Seafood Consumers Put Sustainability Before Price And Brand

New independent research reveals global motivators to seafood purchase Consumers perceive NGOs and scientific organisations as contributing most to protecting oceans Independent certification increases consumer trust in brands Awareness of the blue MSC label is 37% amongst all consumers MSC-aware consumers say they will pay a premium of up to 11% for MSC labelled seafood  LONDON, 13 July 2016 – New global independent research has found that sustainability is a key driver for seafood purchase. Across 21 countries overall, sustainability is … “Seafood Consumers Put Sustainability Before Price And Brand”

Obama’s 8-year Presidency is Rated Well: Global Poll

  Download this Press Release (PDF) 7 July 2016 – Global support for President Obama appears to have lasted through his two terms in office according to a new poll for the BBC World Service. Over seven in ten citizens across 18 tracking countries polled by Globescan in both 2012 and 2016 think that, retrospectively, the election of US President Barack Obama was a good choice. The most recent poll shows his average approval rating is 72 per cent―stable with the … “Obama’s 8-year Presidency is Rated Well: Global Poll”

Communicating Purpose Through Brand Among Top Drivers Of Corporate Leadership: New Poll Of Experts

Unilever, Patagonia, Interface, IKEA, Tesla, Nestlé and Natura are among the top-rated global leaders on sustainability 7 JUNE 2016 – Integrating purpose through a common brand promise and aligning sustainability strategy with internal culture and values are key drivers of corporate leadership according to the findings of the just-released 2016 Sustainability Leaders Survey by GlobeScan and SustainAbility in partnership with Sustainable Brands. The Sustainability Leaders Survey tracks expert opinions on the evolution of the sustainability agenda for two decades, along with … “Communicating Purpose Through Brand Among Top Drivers Of Corporate Leadership: New Poll Of Experts”

Aspirational Consumers Are Rising. Are Brands Ready to Meet Them?

NEW YORK, 6 June 2016 – A new global study by BBMG and GlobeScan finds that the world’s Aspirational consumers are on the rise, yet half cannot name a single purposeful brand. Representing 40 percent of the global public, Aspirationals are defined by their love of shopping, desire for responsible consumption, and their trust in brands to act in the best interest of society. They are among the most likely to “support companies and brands that have a purpose of making a positive difference in … “Aspirational Consumers Are Rising. Are Brands Ready to Meet Them?”

New “Refugees Welcome Index” Shows Government Refugee Policies Out Of Touch With Public

China, Germany, UK top index measuring public acceptance of refugees; Russia bottom Globally, 1 in 10 would let refugees stay in their home, 3 in 10 in their neighbourhood Call on World Humanitarian Summit to back “Global Compact” for helping refugees 19 MAY 2016 – The vast majority of people (80%) would welcome refugees with open arms, with many even prepared to take them into their own homes, according to a global survey commissioned by Amnesty International. The new Refugees Welcome … “New “Refugees Welcome Index” Shows Government Refugee Policies Out Of Touch With Public”

Global Citizenship A Growing Sentiment Among Citizens Of Emerging Economies: Global Poll

Download the Full Report (PDF) 27 April 2016 – For the first time in 15 years of tracking by GlobeScan, findings indicate that nearly one in two people (49%) surveyed across 14 tracking countries see themselves more as global citizens than citizens of their country. This sentiment is being driven by citizens of large emerging economies, according to a new poll for the BBC World Service. The poll, conducted by GlobeScan among more than 20,000 people worldwide between December 2015 and … “Global Citizenship A Growing Sentiment Among Citizens Of Emerging Economies: Global Poll”