Innovating with Purpose: Perspectives from the SDG 9 Leadership Forum | Report

SDG Goal 9 Leadership Forum hosted by GlobeScan / VMware Read the full report from our online discussion of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure. Learn from the perspectives from more than 150 participants who explored the critical role technology innovation and digital infrastructure can play in achieving the United Nations’ ambitious 2030 goals, and the technology industry’s opportunity to help drive resilient and sustainable economic and environmental development. What is Sustainable Development Goal 9? SDG … “Innovating with Purpose: Perspectives from the SDG 9 Leadership Forum | Report”

Responsible Consumption and Production in Fashion & Beyond: Perspectives from the SDG 12 Leadership Forum | Report

SDG Goal 12 Leadership Forum hosted by GlobeScan / C&A Foundation Read the full report from our online discussion of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 12, which aims to “do more and better with less” by ensuring sustainable consumption and production. Learn from the perspectives from more than 250 guest contributors who discussed how we can accelerate our transition to a circular economy – at pace and scale – inside and outside the fashion industry. SDG Forum 12 discussion … “Responsible Consumption and Production in Fashion & Beyond: Perspectives from the SDG 12 Leadership Forum | Report”

Evaluating Progress on the SDGs | Report

This latest GlobeScan-SustainAbility Survey explores global sustainability expert views about progress made on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In 2017, we polled sustainability experts and asked them to evaluate progress on sustainable development and specifically the SDGs. Two years later, we have once again asked experts to evaluate progress on individual SDGs, rank their relative urgency and share insights into the priorities within their own organizations. We also asked which specific Goals individual corporate sectors should focus on. More than 450 experienced professionals from North America, … “Evaluating Progress on the SDGs | Report”

Creating Sustainable and Resilient Cities and Communities: Perspectives from the SDG 11 Leadership Forum | Report

SDG Goal 11 Leadership Forum hosted by GlobeScan / TD Bank Group Read the full report from our online discussion of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 11. Learn from the perspectives of 150 guest contributors who explored the critical role that green infrastructure and urban green spaces can play in building sustainable cities and communities. The focus of the forum was to explore the challenges faced by North American urban centres. What is Sustainable Development Goal 11? SDG 11 … “Creating Sustainable and Resilient Cities and Communities: Perspectives from the SDG 11 Leadership Forum | Report”

From Good Governance to Purpose & Profit: Analysis of Larry Fink’s Annual Letter to CEOs

BlackRock is the world’s largest asset management company, overseeing $6.3 trillion worth of investments. Since 2012, Larry Fink, Chairman and CEO of BlackRock, has sent out an annual letter to CEOs of the companies that BlackRock invests in on behalf of its clients. In early 2018, the sixth of these letters was published, titled A Sense of Purpose. This letter generated significantly more reaction than those before it, liked over 8,000 times on LinkedIn and the subject of countless news … “From Good Governance to Purpose & Profit: Analysis of Larry Fink’s Annual Letter to CEOs”

Building Trust: Why Transparency Must Be Part of the Equation | Report

Society’s standards for corporate transparency are rapidly evolving. No small part of this is because of disruptions in technology and stakeholder expectations: the exponential pace of technological development and diffusion is recasting the way we communicate and receive information. Increasingly empowered stakeholders of all types are demanding different behaviors and performance from business. But more is at play. Expectations for transparency are intensifying at the same time as the intangible value of brands and their reputations grow ever larger but … “Building Trust: Why Transparency Must Be Part of the Equation | Report”

The 2018 State of Inclusive Business Survey: Insights from Stakeholders | Report

About the Survey GlobeScan and Business Call to Action (BCtA) partnered to launch the 2018 State of Inclusive Business Survey to help advance core business activities that are inclusive of low-income populations and contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This report provides practical insights for companies on inclusive business, and identifies drivers of inclusive business motives and likelihood to commit. Stakeholders who took part in this study are all from BCtA’s own database of members and contacts, … “The 2018 State of Inclusive Business Survey: Insights from Stakeholders | Report”

IKEA Climate Action Study | Report & Webinar

Climate Action Starts At Home For many of us, climate change is a distant, complex issue that is difficult to understand. Most people recognise the problem and many are worried about it, but they can’t connect with how climate change will affect them personally and what they, as individuals, can do about it. As the world’s temperatures rise and consumer behaviour remains stuck at unsustainable levels, an urgent question for business, governments and civil society is: How can we engage … “IKEA Climate Action Study | Report & Webinar”

The 2018 BSR/GlobeScan State of Sustainable Business Survey | Report

About the Survey The BSR/GlobeScan 10th Annual State of Sustainable Business Survey communicates the sustainability issues that companies are most focused on today. The survey includes responses from business leaders representing 152 global companies—more than 60 percent of BSR’s global membership network. Introduction The world is changing at a rapid pace. New technologies, shifting cultural norms, evolving economic structures, and unprecedented environmental threats are reshaping the planet. This survey provides insight into the world of sustainable business and identifies common perceptions and … “The 2018 BSR/GlobeScan State of Sustainable Business Survey | Report”

Capacity Building of Frontline Health Workers: Perspectives from the SDG 3 Leadership Forum | Report

SDG Goal 3 Leadership Forum hosted by GlobeScan / Johnson & Johnson Learn from the perspectives of 200 guest contributors who explored how building the capacity of front-line health workers in lower- and middle-income countries is critical if public health in these countries is to be improved. Read the full report from our online discussion of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 3. What is Sustainable Development Goal 3? SDG 3 aims to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for … “Capacity Building of Frontline Health Workers: Perspectives from the SDG 3 Leadership Forum | Report”