The 2021 GlobeScan / SustainAbility Leaders Survey | Report & Webinar

About the 2021 Sustainability Leaders Survey Findings from a new report 2021 Sustainability Leaders by GlobeScan and The SustainAbility Institute by ERM show sustainability experts believe the global pandemic will help draw attention to environmental challenges—but will also deepen socio-economic challenges such as poverty and inequality. The GlobeScan / SustainAbility Leaders Survey has tracked global expert opinions on the evolution of the sustainability agenda since 1997. The 25th edition of this report has taken place against the unprecedented backdrop of … “The 2021 GlobeScan / SustainAbility Leaders Survey | Report & Webinar”

Report: Global Survey Finds Covid-19 Is Intensifying Sustainable Development Challenges, But Leading Businesses Are Stepping Up Action

28 July 2021: New research from GlobeScan and the SustainAbility Institute by ERM finds that sustainability experts believe the global pandemic will help draw attention to environmental issues—but will also deepen socio-economic challenges such as poverty and inequality. The GlobeScan / SustainAbility Leaders Survey has tracked global expert opinions on the evolution of the sustainability agenda since 1997. The 25th edition of this report has taken place against the unprecedented backdrop of the pandemic, with nearly 700 sustainability experts from … “Report: Global Survey Finds Covid-19 Is Intensifying Sustainable Development Challenges, But Leading Businesses Are Stepping Up Action”

Report: ESG Performance Tops List of Corporate Affairs Risk Priorities Globally for Organisations

ESG also Dominates the List of Corporate Affairs Functional Priorities 15th July 2021 – ESG performance tops the list of Corporate Affairs risk priorities globally for organisations (46%), according to a new survey report launched today by the University of Oxford and GlobeScan. Corporate Affairs experts point to climate change as the most-pressing ESG issue for global businesses over the next two years followed by net zero / carbon emissions and inequality in society. Pandemic management (32%) is the second-highest … “Report: ESG Performance Tops List of Corporate Affairs Risk Priorities Globally for Organisations”

State of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for Sustainability Professionals | Report

In this report, we share findings based on responses to a number of diversity questions that we asked as part of a larger GlobeScan-SustainAbility Survey, Evaluating Progress on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which was published in February 2021 with our partners from The Sustainability Institute by ERM. The intention was to explore the current state of diversity among the sustainability professionals who take our surveys, and to find out whether and how women and/or those belonging to one or … “State of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for Sustainability Professionals | Report”

Radically Better Food | Report & Webinar

4 Imperatives for Regenerative Brands Over the past year, our relationship with food has been transformed in ways that many of us have never known. We’ve become reacquainted with our kitchens during the lockdown. We’ve learned just how fragile our food supply chains are. And new insights on issues from food insecurity and injustice to the environmental impact of how we eat have us reconsidering our relationships with food and the brands that deliver it to our plates. To help … “Radically Better Food | Report & Webinar”

Building Corporate Leadership In Addressing Inequality | Report

A GlobeScan Shared Research Program Rising inequality is a defining challenge of our time. While inequality in itself stands as an underlying trend, in recent years it has reemerged as a social and political flash point across many countries. In particular, 2020 has seen a sharp increase in inequality throughout the world, with the COVID-19 pandemic’s devastating fallout affecting the most vulnerable, along with the growing demand for social justice marked by Black Lives Matter protests. According to the latest … “Building Corporate Leadership In Addressing Inequality | Report”

Report: Consumption of Wildlife Drops Almost 30% Over Perceived Links to Pandemics Like COVID-19

WWF survey also finds overwhelming public support for action on key drivers of pandemics and nature loss’ 24 May 2021 – As the World Health Assembly opens today against a backdrop of continued suffering caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, nearly 30% of people surveyed across China, Myanmar, Thailand, Viet Nam and the United States say they have consumed less or stopped consuming wildlife altogether because of the health crisis. More specifically, 28% among those surveyed in China consume less wildlife … “Report: Consumption of Wildlife Drops Almost 30% Over Perceived Links to Pandemics Like COVID-19”

Member States Biggest Barrier to Green Deal Implementation, Say 1 Out of 3 Sustainability Experts

A new report by the Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP) and GlobeScan identifies the challenges to the European Green Deal’s implementation and provides policy recommendations for addressing them. The European Green Deal Barometer, launched on Thursday 29 April at an online conference, builds on the Think2030 survey, an expert consultation of nearly 300 sustainability experts from governments and regulators, NGOs, academia, research institutes and the private sector. Key findings 33% of respondents see the lack of commitment by the … “Member States Biggest Barrier to Green Deal Implementation, Say 1 Out of 3 Sustainability Experts”

Report: Demand for Elephant Ivory in China Drops to Lowest Level Since National Ban

Beijing, China – An annual consumer survey of the elephant ivory trade in China finds that demand for ivory continues to decrease since the country banned domestic trade in 2017 and is now less than half of pre-ban levels. Just 18 percent of consumers surveyed intend to purchase ivory in the future, a significant drop from 43 percent pre-ban. World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and research organization GlobeScan, have conducted the largest consumer survey about the elephant ivory trade in China—2,000 people … “Report: Demand for Elephant Ivory in China Drops to Lowest Level Since National Ban”

Breakthrough: Seven Unlocks to Scaling Healthy and Sustainable Living | Report

According to the Global Footprint Network, humans are consuming resources at a rate of more than 1.7 times faster than the planet can regenerate them. While there are no simple solutions, this imbalance presents a significant opportunity to enable more sustainable lifestyles. Indeed, finding ways to engage and mobilize 8 billion people to live healthier and more sustainably is arguably one of the great priorities of this Decade of Action as the world works to achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development … “Breakthrough: Seven Unlocks to Scaling Healthy and Sustainable Living | Report”