Accelerating the Tectonic Shift to Net Zero: Analysis of Larry Fink’s Annual Letter to CEOs

Larry Fink, CEO and Chairman of BlackRock, the world’s largest investment management firm, has sent out an annual letter to CEOs of the companies that BlackRock invests in on behalf of its clients since 2012. The letters are seen as a bellwether of the expectations that the finance industry – and wider society – has on business and its role in society. Over the last decade we have seen a dramatic evolution in both the topics and the tone of … “Accelerating the Tectonic Shift to Net Zero: Analysis of Larry Fink’s Annual Letter to CEOs”

Radically Better Future: The Next Gen Reckoning | Report

New global study finds the next generation of citizens is looking for transformative brand leadership, co-created solutions, and radical change for the future they want December 4, 2020 – A health pandemic. Economic crisis. Racial justice uprising. Existential environmental threats. Like never before, a new generation is facing the confluence of profound global crises and calling for transformative brand leadership, co-created solutions, and radical change to meet an era of shifting paradigms, not just shifting preferences. According to a new … “Radically Better Future: The Next Gen Reckoning | Report”

Report: Our Material Consumption is Soaring, but Earth Cannot Afford Black Friday

Key Messages Three-quarters of European consumers (76%) agree that we need to consume less to preserve the environment for future generations and most say that they would like to spend more time with family and friends (78%) or to spend more time in nature (74%) – activities that do not necessarily involve material consumption For our consumption patterns to stay within planetary boundaries, each European would have to reduce by 80% the amount of natural resources they currently use for … “Report: Our Material Consumption is Soaring, but Earth Cannot Afford Black Friday”

Ivory Consumption Among Chinese Travelers: Preparing for Post-COVID Tourism | Report

Understanding the drivers that lead to travelers purchasing ivory while abroad can help us target our conservation interventions more effectively. COVID-19 has had a huge impact on the travel and tourism industry, with estimates ranging from 60% to 80% decline in international tourism for 2020. In order to make up for this precipitous loss, the sector is preparing for a travel boom once the threat of the pandemic has subsided. “We know very few people have been leaving home this year, … “Ivory Consumption Among Chinese Travelers: Preparing for Post-COVID Tourism | Report”

The Pact for Sustainable Industry: Making the Green Deal a Success | CSR Europe White Paper

The UN 2030 Agenda is a clear direction, but companies cannot reach or even make advancements on this agenda by themselves. That is why CSR Europe gathered the leading companies in an appeal for increased collaboration, not only in words, but with practical action. They asked for a New Deal for Europe – for a Europe with a shared sustainable vision for its future. As business leaders, they take the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals as a compass to make … “The Pact for Sustainable Industry: Making the Green Deal a Success | CSR Europe White Paper”

Report: Stakeholders Rate Corporate Purpose in Time of Crisis

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic and with a spotlight on inequality, expectations for companies are shifting. The current circumstances make for an important test of corporate purpose. In summer of 2020, GlobeScan partnered with the Test of Corporate Purpose (TCP) initiative, a project to assess how purpose-driven companies respond in a time of severe global crises and test if they truly “walk the talk” in delivering value for all stakeholders. This research also explored institutional priorities and performance … “Report: Stakeholders Rate Corporate Purpose in Time of Crisis”

Climate Change: A GlobeScan Insight Report

Worry about climate change remains widespread despite the pandemic and economic crisis, and continues to increase in the USA and other large emitting countries Despite the immense impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent economic recession (documented in GlobeScan’s findings on the pandemic’s impact on inequality for the BBC), people in 27 markets surveyed also continue to care deeply about the climate crisis that is currently unfolding in parallel. Concerns about climate change and poverty remain high and steady – with the … “Climate Change: A GlobeScan Insight Report”

Trust in Institutions: A GlobeScan Insight Report

Trust in government, business, media, and science has increased as people look for leadership As people look for guidance and hope for solutions during the pandemic and the resulting economic recession, GlobeScan’s Radar survey of 27,000 people across 27 countries shows that trust in institutions such as national government, global business, and press and media has increased compared to 2019. Trust in scientists has also continued to increase, while trust in the medical profession (asked for the first time in … “Trust in Institutions: A GlobeScan Insight Report”

Report: Delivering Enhanced Insights to Help Corporate Affairs Professionals Improve the Impact of the Corporate Affairs Function

As part of a new Global Corporate Affairs partnership, Oxford University and GlobeScan are working together to help senior executives and corporate affairs leaders around the world to develop the contribution and improve the impact of the corporate affairs function. In our inaugural Oxford-GlobeScan Global Corporate Affairs Survey 2020, we captured the views of Corporate Affairs Professionals on issues and themes of relevance to the function. Key research findings are summarized below. Most Pressing Global Risks to Business The most pressing … “Report: Delivering Enhanced Insights to Help Corporate Affairs Professionals Improve the Impact of the Corporate Affairs Function”

The 2020 GlobeScan / SustainAbility Leaders Survey | Report & Webinar

About the 2020 Sustainability Leaders Survey The 2020 Sustainability Leaders, a GlobeScan / SustainAbility Survey, asked over 700 experts representing business, government, NGOs and academia across 71 countries to evaluate the progress of the sustainability agenda and the companies and organizations experts perceive to be leaders since 1997. We also analyze expert views on which companies are considered to be leading on integrating sustainability into their business strategy, as well as which NGOs are making the largest contribution to advancing … “The 2020 GlobeScan / SustainAbility Leaders Survey | Report & Webinar”