Today and Tomorrow: COVID-19 and the Increased Relevance of Corporate Sustainability | Report

With the spread of COVID-19 creating a crisis that is unprecedented in living memory, there is not an element of our lives that has remained unaffected. And this is especially true for business. At GlobeScan and BSR, we spend our time working with some of the largest businesses in the world and we wanted to understand both the immediate effect on the sustainability efforts of the companies we work with and also to begin to understand what long-term implications they … “Today and Tomorrow: COVID-19 and the Increased Relevance of Corporate Sustainability | Report”

Growing Faith in Science and Technology:​ A GlobeScan Insight​ Report

People – especially younger generations – are increasingly looking to science and technology to help create a better future When asked directly whether they believe that science and technology can help create a better future, people across 25 countries surveyed almost universally agree that this is the case. However, young people are markedly more optimistic than older generations. Around half of those aged 18–24 (Gen Z) strongly agree with this notion, suggesting that the focus on science-based solutions will continue … “Growing Faith in Science and Technology:​ A GlobeScan Insight​ Report”

Global South Rising: A GlobeScan Insight Report

People in emerging markets are more optimistic about the future and the globalized economy, and are increasingly engaging in ethical consumerism GlobeScan’s research shows that there is a pronounced difference in optimism for the future between people in emerging economies, who tend to be much more hopeful, and those in the OECD countries, where fewer than half believe that future generations will enjoy a higher quality of life than we do today. People in China, India, Indonesia, and Saudi Arabia … “Global South Rising: A GlobeScan Insight Report”

Report: How Consumer Engagement Can Drive Circularity

GreenBiz Research, in partnership with GlobeScan, engaged 20 experts from around the world to get their views on the pathway to a more circular economy. The shift to a more circular economy offers a compelling solution to the way the world currently conducts business. Circularity has the potential to change economic systems and help avoid devastating impacts to our climate and society. But circularity cannot happen in a vacuum. Migrating to a circular economy requires systemic change, not only to … “Report: How Consumer Engagement Can Drive Circularity”

The Climate Decade: Ten Years to Deliver the Paris Agreement | Report

A GlobeScan-SustainAbility Survey We are entering the climate decade. A ten year period where our collective actions will determine the kind of world our children and grandchildren will inherit. Since the launch of the Paris Climate Agreement in 2015, every two years GlobeScan and SustainAbility have asked global experts to assess progress towards reducing global greenhouse gas emissions. In the time since our first report was released in 2015, and second report in 2017, urgency has grown. The International Panel … “The Climate Decade: Ten Years to Deliver the Paris Agreement | Report”

The Latest Trends That Will Shape 2020 and Beyond | Report

Radar is a global public opinion research program of evidence and insights that is a vital part of GlobeScan’s contribution to helping influential organizations understand material issues, societal trends and the expectations people have of them. In uncertain times, leadership organizations need to build trust with their stakeholders and society and better engage with their external context. Since 1997, GlobeScan Radar has explored questions such as how concerns about several economic, environmental and social issues are changing, how people’s preferences … “The Latest Trends That Will Shape 2020 and Beyond | Report”

From Governance to Purpose to the Fundamental Reshaping of Finance: Analysis of Larry Fink’s Annual Letter to CEOs

Since 2012, Larry Fink, Chairman and CEO of BlackRock – the world’s largest asset management company, overseeing $7 trillion worth of investments – has sent out an annual letter to CEOs of the companies that BlackRock invests in on behalf of its clients. As we start a new decade, Fink’s 2020 letter takes a strong tone from the outset, with the title “A Fundamental Reshaping of Finance.” The letter appears to be smashing the records of its previous counterparts in … “From Governance to Purpose to the Fundamental Reshaping of Finance: Analysis of Larry Fink’s Annual Letter to CEOs”

Scoping a Vision Towards Accomplishing the SDGs | Report

Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), the global sustainability reporting standard setter, and global power company, Enel, hosted two live online moderated discussions in 2019 which brought together business and policy representatives from around the world.  These key stakeholders shared their views on the changes needed to ensure companies can actively contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and how reporting and partnerships support this process. The second forum in this series took place in November, to gather ideas and scope … “Scoping a Vision Towards Accomplishing the SDGs | Report”

Climate Change: A GlobeScan Insight Report

People across the world are increasingly worried about climate change, especially Gen Z Citizens across the world are increasingly saying that climate change is a serious issue; it now ranks among the top of a range of 18 global issues that people in 25 countries surveyed say are “very serious.” Concern about climate change ranks third after terrorism and environmental pollution in general, and on par with corruption and the depletion of natural resources. Over the past five years, concern … “Climate Change: A GlobeScan Insight Report”

Trust in Business: A GlobeScan Insight Report

Business’s social license to operate is eroding in Europe and North America There is a growing divide between developed and emerging markets in terms of people’s trust in business to act in society’s best interest. Those in developed markets are losing trust in global companies, while people in emerging markets remain generally more trusting of business. Trust in big business has fallen in recent years in the OECD member countries that GlobeScan has tracked over time. In Germany, fewer people … “Trust in Business: A GlobeScan Insight Report”