Join us for a webinar on Thursday, June 18th @ 11am New York / 4pm London time to discuss Trust, Expectations and Leadership: our latest Global Societal Trends on Business. We will explore findings from GlobeScan Radar, our latest global public opinion survey of 24,000 people across 24 countries. We will share our latest tracking of trust in institutions, expectations for responsible business, reputation of industry sectors and consumer views of corporate leadership. Professionals focused on corporate affairs, issues management, reputation, … “Upcoming Webinar: Trust, Expectations and Leadership: Global Societal Trends on Business”
GlobeScan and SustainAbility are delighted to invite you to a webinar on May 28th @ 11am New York / 4pm London time to discuss the results of the 2015 edition of the GSS Sustainability Leaders Report. After 21 years, the GlobeScan/Sustainability Leaders Report is the longest-running survey of its kind examining experts’ views of the current state of sustainability leadership. In our latest survey, we analyze the viewpoints of over 800 sustainability experts to answer a number of pressing questions, … “Upcoming Webinar: The 2015 GlobeScan/SustainAbility Leaders Report”
It’s not shocking that research by National Geographic and GlobeScan shows that consumers care deeply about the food they eat and about how it is produced. More troubling is that most feel alienated from the food system. Just one in four consumers globally feel empowered to influence the way that food is produced, while only four in 10 say they have some influence as consumers over what food is available to them when shopping, according to GlobeScan and National Geographic’s latest … “Quantifying Global Interest in a Sustainable Food System”
I’ve had the pleasure of being part of a number of Stakeholder Collaboration Forums at GlobeScan. And as I get ready to take part in my seventh – the HP Living Progress Exchange on March 17 and 18 – I thought it was a good time to reflect on why these types of forums are so compelling. What is a Collaboration Forum? For the uninitiated, the stakeholder collaboration forums that GlobeScan has developed with a number of leading companies, are, … “We Are All In This Together: The Success of Stakeholder Collaboration Forums”
Do Canadians value water? Are our attitudes and behaviours evolving? We will share insights from the 8th annual RBC Canadian Water Attitudes Study in a special webinar featuring Bob Sandford, Canadian water expert, Robert Haller, Executive Director of the Canadian Water and Wastewater Association, and Chris Coulter, co-CEO of GlobeScan. Join us to hear about the findings from this quantitative survey of 2,000 Canadians, the most comprehensive of its kind in the world! Webinar Title: 2015 RBC Canadian Water Attitudes … “Upcoming Webinar: 2015 RBC Canadian Water Attitudes Study”
Debate at the recent Mining Indaba Sustainable Development Day in Cape Town, South Africa was a continuation of the discussion from the 2014 forum. The key takeaway from 2014 was that there is an onus on business to engage with affected communities in order to progress the development agenda. This year, Her Excellency, Graça Machel, President of the Foundation for Community Development shared her vision for the world, and Africa in particular, in a very engaging conversation with Dr. Anthony … “How NGOs Can Build “Trust Bridges” Between Stakeholders in Africa”
Collaboration is vital for making significant progress on some of the world’s biggest challenges. In the next few years, multinational companies will be the key drivers of broad-scale collaborations to advance the sustainable development agenda, according to sustainability experts polled in the forthcoming GlobeScan/SustainAbility Survey “Collaborating for a Sustainable Future 2015.” Experts are more likely to say that corporations will play a very large role over the next five years in collaborations that advance the sustainable development agenda than NGOs, multilateral … “How Unilever, Facebook, HP and Others Lead Through Collaboration”
The HP Living Progress Exchange (LPX) is an online discussion that brings together leading experts and thinkers to share perspectives and develop new ideas to help make sustainable progress in three key areas: human progress, economic progress and environmental progress. On September 9, 2014, hundreds of experts from around the world joined HP and GlobeScan in the first online LPX to explore challenges and ideas in these three key areas of sustainability. The discussion was rich and enlightening, with some … “Engaging Experts on Human, Economic and Environmental Progress: The HP Living Progress Exchange”
What is the Impact of a Chief Sustainability Officer In our first 2015 edition of Proof Points, we take a look at the impact that a chief sustainability officer can have on corporate sustainability. Successful men and women in business know that gaining internal buy-in for a program is crucial in any organization, but what if there is no one to champion sustainability as a critical component of business strategy? The CSO is the ambassador with the vision, whose presence in … “What Do Businesses Think Of Their CSOs?”
Bob Langert is the Vice President of CSR and Sustainability at McDonald’s. Bob leads on global sustainability efforts and works with McDonald’s system to grow their business by making a positive difference in society. McDonald’s has Five Sustainability Pillars: Food, Sourcing, Community, People and Planet. He and his team collaborate with internal leadership to integrate sustainability in day-to-day operations and decision-making. Bob’s team is responsible for ongoing sustainability reporting and works with a variety of external stakeholders. GlobeScan co-CEO Chris Coulter … “Recognizing Leaders: Bob Langert, McDonald’s”