Insight of the Week: Strong Public Support for Government Action to Protect Nature, Even if it Restricts Business Activity

Out of the 27 countries surveyed an overwhelming percentage (up to 92%) want governments to take stronger action to protect nature, even if it means restricting business activities. On World Conservation Day it is important to highlight the public’s desire for governments to act now. This is especially the case in developing countries with those in Kenya, Mexico and Vietnam agreeing the most that governments should take strong action. People in Japan agree the least (although still over 50%). Data … “Insight of the Week: Strong Public Support for Government Action to Protect Nature, Even if it Restricts Business Activity”

Insight of the Week: Circular Economy, Food Systems, and Biodiversity Are Key Focus Areas for the EU Green Deal

Circular Economy, Food Systems, and Biodiversity Are Key Focus Areas for the EU Green Deal Priority vs Progress, Expert Stakeholders, 2021 Stakeholders rated a range of sustainability issues on two dimensions – level of priority and progress made. Two issues – clean energy and climate – are areas where priorities and progress are both viewed as being strong. Circularity, food systems, and nature are all issues where priorities are high, but where progress is seen to be weak. These areas … “Insight of the Week: Circular Economy, Food Systems, and Biodiversity Are Key Focus Areas for the EU Green Deal”

Insight of the Week: Strong Support for Government Efforts to Reduce Future Pandemics through Ending Deforestation

Strong Support for Government Efforts to Reduce Future Pandemics through Ending Deforestation Consumers in China, Myanmar, Thailand, the U.S., and Vietnam, 2021 As human activities such as deforestation increase the risk of disease transfer between animals and humans, an overwhelming majority of people in China, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, and the U.S. support government action to curb this destructive practice. Identifying and capitalizing on public support for measures helps drive policy change. Given the strong support for preserving forests, there is … “Insight of the Week: Strong Support for Government Efforts to Reduce Future Pandemics through Ending Deforestation”

Report: Consumption of Wildlife Drops Almost 30% Over Perceived Links to Pandemics Like COVID-19

WWF survey also finds overwhelming public support for action on key drivers of pandemics and nature loss’ 24 May 2021 – As the World Health Assembly opens today against a backdrop of continued suffering caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, nearly 30% of people surveyed across China, Myanmar, Thailand, Viet Nam and the United States say they have consumed less or stopped consuming wildlife altogether because of the health crisis. More specifically, 28% among those surveyed in China consume less wildlife … “Report: Consumption of Wildlife Drops Almost 30% Over Perceived Links to Pandemics Like COVID-19”

Insight of the Week: People in Most Countries Say Their Governments Are Doing a Poor Job of Protecting Nature and Wildlife

People in Most Countries Say Their Governments Are Doing a Poor Job of Protecting Nature and Wildlife Performance of National Government on Protecting Nature and Wildlife, Net Performance,* by Country, 2020  National governments are widely seen as being poor performers when it comes to protecting the natural world. Out of 27 countries and territories surveyed, only those in Asia and Saudi Arabia rate government mostly positively. Saudi Arabian, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Indian respondents rate their governments positively on protecting nature … “Insight of the Week: People in Most Countries Say Their Governments Are Doing a Poor Job of Protecting Nature and Wildlife”