Webinar | Business & Society: Latest Societal Trends and Corporate Leadership

On 29 September, GlobeScan hosted a webinar to help better understand the evolving social contract between business & society as we navigate challenging and disruptive times. GlobeScan shared some of its latest Radar trends from its new 27-country public opinion study on views of business, government and NGOs, issues tracking, and shifting societal expectations. The following panel of diverse senior corporate leaders discussed the implications for companies: Francesca DeBiase, Chief Supply Chain and Sustainability Officer, McDonald’s Mzilla Mthenjane, Executive Head, … “Webinar | Business & Society: Latest Societal Trends and Corporate Leadership”

Trust in Institutions: A GlobeScan Insight Report

Trust in government, business, media, and science has increased as people look for leadership As people look for guidance and hope for solutions during the pandemic and the resulting economic recession, GlobeScan’s Radar survey of 27,000 people across 27 countries shows that trust in institutions such as national government, global business, and press and media has increased compared to 2019. Trust in scientists has also continued to increase, while trust in the medical profession (asked for the first time in … “Trust in Institutions: A GlobeScan Insight Report”

New Global Poll Documents the Pandemic’s Impact on Inequality

Six months on from The World Health Organization officially declaring COVID-19 a global pandemic, a new global poll conducted for the BBC World Service shows that the impact of the pandemic has had a more severe impact on people in poorer countries and has exacerbated existing inequalities both within and across countries. Gen Z have also disproportionately experienced financial hardship as a result of the pandemic. The poll of 27 countries was conducted by GlobeScan in June 2020 during the … “New Global Poll Documents the Pandemic’s Impact on Inequality”

Global Survey Finds Most Prefer Expanding GDP with Health, Education, and Environmental Data

The 2020 GlobeScan-Ethical Markets “Beyond GDP” survey repeats questions asked in 2007, 2009, and 2013 polls in Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Kenya, Russia, the UK, and the USA. The general public (n=1,000 in each country) were again asked to choose between continuing money-based GDP to steer national progress or to add statistics on health, education, and the environment. Overall, an average of 72 percent prefer broadening GDP with such additional data. These GlobeScan-Ethical Markets surveys were launched … “Global Survey Finds Most Prefer Expanding GDP with Health, Education, and Environmental Data”

How COVID-19 Changes Perceptions of Trade in Wildlife

Between the COVID-19 pandemic and Netflix’s hit series “Tiger King,” wildlife trade is occupying our collective psyche at a level never been seen before. The Chinese government has announced that it will crack down on illegal wildlife consumption and outlaw the trade of many species that desperately need an intervention such as this to flatten their own curve — the one that sees some animals’ numbers in the wild dropping to zero. The Vietnamese government has announced it soon will … “How COVID-19 Changes Perceptions of Trade in Wildlife”

Public Calls for Governments to Close S.E. Asia’s Wildlife Markets in Response to COVID-19

7 April, Hong Kong – This World Health Day, as the world grapples with the worst public health emergency in recent memory, over 90 per cent of respondents surveyed in Southeast Asia and Hong Kong support a government-led closure of illegal and unregulated wildlife markets, according to new research for WWF. The recent outbreak of COVID-19 has brought the link between zoonotic diseases – those transmitted from animals to humans – and wildlife markets into sharp focus. An online survey … “Public Calls for Governments to Close S.E. Asia’s Wildlife Markets in Response to COVID-19”

Tarred by the Same Brush: How Should American Companies React to the Declining Reputation of the US?

Among global publics, the US has never been the most popular country, at least in terms of the way people view the impact it has on the world. We know this because of the long-term tracking survey GlobeScan has conducted with the BBC World Service since 2005. In our latest global country poll for the BBC World Service, the US showed the most substantial decline in ratings out of all the countries polled this year.   In 2012, the US … “Tarred by the Same Brush: How Should American Companies React to the Declining Reputation of the US?”

Sharp Drop in World Views of US, UK: Global Poll

4 July 2017 – Negative views of US influence in the world have increased in the majority of countries surveyed in the latest global country poll for the BBC World Service. Compared to 2014, when the poll was last conducted, double-digit increases in negative views of the US, rising to majorities, are now found in several of its NATO allies, including the UK (up from 42 to 64%), Spain (44 to 67%), France (41 to 56%), and Turkey (36 to 64%). … “Sharp Drop in World Views of US, UK: Global Poll”

Experts Highly Concerned About President Trump’s Impact on the Sustainability Agenda

The Paris Agreement, renewables, the SDGs and human rights all expected to be impacted 26 June 2017 – In a recent survey, GlobeScan and SustainAbility asked over 500 sustainability professionals in 74 countries (between 22 November 2016 and 9 January 2017) how they expected Donald Trump’s election as US President to affect the international sustainability agenda. Over eight in ten (82%) of the experts surveyed thought that the election of Trump would have a negative impact on the implementation of the Paris Agreement. … “Experts Highly Concerned About President Trump’s Impact on the Sustainability Agenda”

Business Leadership in the White House: An Unscientific Assessment

During the US Presidential campaign, the then-candidate Donald Trump consistently touted his business credentials as an asset for how he would be successful as the nation’s Chief Executive. We have now experienced the Trump administration for over 60 days, and it is interesting to assess the manner in which he is governing compared to what we know to be the tenets of successful corporate leadership. Leaving aside any perceptions about the policy ideas expressed by the administration, it is curious … “Business Leadership in the White House: An Unscientific Assessment”