Evaluating SDG Progress: Survey Highlights from GlobeScan and SustainAbility

On March 26, GlobeScan and SustainAbility hosted a webinar to discuss findings of an assessment of 400 experts on progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), featuring the following panelists: Kavita Prakash-Mani, Global Conservation Director, WWF International Kris Douma, Head of Strategic Projects, UNPRI Nicola J. Acutt, Ph.D., Vice President, Sustainability Strategy, VMware Aiste Brackley, Senior Manager, SustainAbility Eric Whan, Director, GlobeScan The GlobeScan/SustainAbility Survey is the longest-running survey of its kind and has tracked expert opinions on sustainable development … “Evaluating SDG Progress: Survey Highlights from GlobeScan and SustainAbility”

Evaluating Progress on the SDGs | Report

This latest GlobeScan-SustainAbility Survey explores global sustainability expert views about progress made on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In 2017, we polled sustainability experts and asked them to evaluate progress on sustainable development and specifically the SDGs. Two years later, we have once again asked experts to evaluate progress on individual SDGs, rank their relative urgency and share insights into the priorities within their own organizations. We also asked which specific Goals individual corporate sectors should focus on. More than 450 experienced professionals from North America, … “Evaluating Progress on the SDGs | Report”

AB InBev and GlobeScan to Host SDG Leadership Forum for Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation

Join us for our SDG Leadership Forum on Clean Water and Sanitation (Goal 6) on Wednesday, March 20, 2019. As part of our ongoing series of online dialogues, this SDG Leadership Forum for Clean Water and Sanitation offers an opportunity to discuss watershed protection, water use efficiency and water access, with a focus on new ideas and how we can reach scale in these critical areas. In this global, online, text-based discussion, hosted live by AB InBev and GlobeScan, we will explore how … “AB InBev and GlobeScan to Host SDG Leadership Forum for Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation”

Recognizing Leaders: Andrea Barrack, TD Bank Group

Andrea Barrack is Global Head, Sustainability and Corporate Citizenship at TD Bank Group. GlobeScan CEO Chris Coulter spoke with Andrea about the state of relations between business and society and how TD Bank Group will be managing this through The Ready Commitment. How do you see the state of relations between business and society? Given my role, I am thinking about this question constantly and listening to stakeholders in order to better understand their expectations. There is definitely an increased expectation from the broader … “Recognizing Leaders: Andrea Barrack, TD Bank Group”

Spotlight on GlobeScan in Brazil

Leia esta entrevista em português GlobeScan’s Brazil team is composed of Director Álvaro Almeida and Project Manager Gabriela Rozman. You can learn more about GlobeScan in Brazil in the following interview. Tell me about GlobeScan in Brazil and also your role within it. Alvaro: GlobeScan has a long-term relationship with Brazil, having researched local stakeholders for many years. Since 2017, I have been representing GlobeScan in Brazil, aiming to develop a more robust GlobeScan presence through our activity in the … “Spotlight on GlobeScan in Brazil”

From Good Governance to Purpose & Profit: Analysis of Larry Fink’s Annual Letter to CEOs

BlackRock is the world’s largest asset management company, overseeing $6.3 trillion worth of investments. Since 2012, Larry Fink, Chairman and CEO of BlackRock, has sent out an annual letter to CEOs of the companies that BlackRock invests in on behalf of its clients. In early 2018, the sixth of these letters was published, titled A Sense of Purpose. This letter generated significantly more reaction than those before it, liked over 8,000 times on LinkedIn and the subject of countless news … “From Good Governance to Purpose & Profit: Analysis of Larry Fink’s Annual Letter to CEOs”

Seven Insights on the Future of Transparency

Expectations for corporate transparency are evolving in the context of rapidly changing technology and consumer expectations. Exploring the changing dynamics of corporate transparency, SC Johnson and GlobeScan partnered to engage more than thirty global thought leaders to get their perspectives on the future of corporate transparency and why it matters. The thought leaders were chosen because of their contributions and influence in the area of transparency, representing a wide variety of backgrounds in the corporate, NGO, academic, media and government sectors from different parts … “Seven Insights on the Future of Transparency”

Building Trust: Why Transparency Must Be Part of the Equation | Report

Society’s standards for corporate transparency are rapidly evolving. No small part of this is because of disruptions in technology and stakeholder expectations: the exponential pace of technological development and diffusion is recasting the way we communicate and receive information. Increasingly empowered stakeholders of all types are demanding different behaviors and performance from business. But more is at play. Expectations for transparency are intensifying at the same time as the intangible value of brands and their reputations grow ever larger but … “Building Trust: Why Transparency Must Be Part of the Equation | Report”

GlobeScan Announces the Appointment of Gail Klintworth as Chair of the Board

14th January 2019 – GlobeScan is pleased to announce the appointment of Gail Klintworth as the new Chair of the Board. Gail will be following the Chairmanship of Doug Miller, who retired on December 31, 2018. “It is with great pleasure that I welcome Gail Klintworth as the new Chair of our Board,” said Chris Coulter, GlobeScan CEO. “As we enter a new era of leadership at GlobeScan, we are honoured to have Gail guide our strategic direction and help … “GlobeScan Announces the Appointment of Gail Klintworth as Chair of the Board”

Recognizing Leaders: Dr. Elaine Dorward-King, Newmont

Dr. Elaine Dorward-King is Executive Vice President, Sustainability and External Relations at Newmont. She brings 25 years of leadership experience in creating and implementing sustainable development, safety, health and environmental strategy, and programs in the mining, chemical, and engineering consulting sectors. Before departing for the World Economic Forum, GlobeScan Director Eric Whan spoke with Elaine about the importance of transparency in sustainability leadership. Knowing that Newmont is consistently recognized for its sustainability leadership within the mining sector, what are your keys … “Recognizing Leaders: Dr. Elaine Dorward-King, Newmont”