Recognizing Leaders: Matthew Kirk, Vodafone

Matthew Kirk is the Group External Affairs Director for Vodafone. Matthew was appointed to his current position and joined the Executive Committee in 2009 after joining Vodafone in 2006. Prior to that, he was a member of the British Diplomatic Service for more than 20 years, and held a number of positions in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) and Cabinet Office in London. Prior to joining Vodafone Matthew served as Ambassador to Finland. GlobeScan co-CEO Christophe Guibeleguiet recently interviewed Matthew … “Recognizing Leaders: Matthew Kirk, Vodafone”

GlobeScan Dialogue: Recognizing Leaders | Niels Christiansen, Creating Shared Value Advisors

Niels Christiansen is an independent writer, speaker, and corporate advisor who invented the term Creating Shared Value (CSV) as a fundamental principal of business management. Working with Nestle Chairman and CEO Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, he was the architect for the practical implementation of CSV for the 330,000 Nestle employees. GlobeScan CEO Chris Coulter recently interviewed Niels to gain insight on the value he puts on stakeholder intelligence to help build recognized leadership in an uncertain world. What has changed in corporate public affairs … “GlobeScan Dialogue: Recognizing Leaders | Niels Christiansen, Creating Shared Value Advisors”

How to Remove Barriers to Corporate Transparency

Transparency is a key driver of corporate reputation, but it is also an area in which companies commonly underperform. There is increasing external and internal pressure on organizations to become more transparent, not only from customers and employees, but also from other stakeholders such as investors, media and regulators. Stakeholders need evidence that environmental and human rights risks are being systematically managed. But too much disclosure also can create risks. In this edition of Proof Points, we examine some barriers to transparency … “How to Remove Barriers to Corporate Transparency”

Recognizing Leaders: Ola Lindell, IKEA

Ola Lindell is the Commercial Director for Inter IKEA Centre Group A/S. He is responsible for the IKEA shopping centre concept, the IKEA brand, digital channels, and the offer to the consumer. Until 2013, Ola was Senior Manager, Marketing at Inter IKEA Systems BV, the worldwide franchisor of the IKEA Concept, responsible for marketing, the IKEA brand, IKEA catalogue and digital channel. GlobeScan Chairman Doug Miller recently interviewed Ola to gain insight on the value IKEA puts on stakeholder intelligence to … “Recognizing Leaders: Ola Lindell, IKEA”

GlobeScan Dialogue: Recognizing Leaders | Niall Dunne, BT

Niall Dunne is the Chief Sustainability Officer for BT, working with BT’s Chief Executive, Chairman and executive management team to bring the company’s purpose, to use the power of communications to make a better world, to life. GlobeScan CEO Chris Coulter recently interviewed Niall to gain insight on the value BT puts on stakeholder intelligence to help build recognized leadership in an uncertain world. What is your perspective on the leadership required today in this fast changing world? We need … “GlobeScan Dialogue: Recognizing Leaders | Niall Dunne, BT”

What Responsible Company? Almost Half of Consumers Can’t Name One

Our most recent wave of public opinion research across 23 countries shows that 45 percent of consumers are unable or unwilling to name a socially responsible company. The top socially responsible brands that consumers do name include a range of global and national brands representing a range of sectors, as shown in the table below. When asked how they learned that these specific companies are leaders, consumers point primarily to personal experience, the media and advertising. These channels are seen as particularly … “What Responsible Company? Almost Half of Consumers Can’t Name One”

GlobeScan Dialogue: Recognizing Leaders | R. Anthony Hodge, ICMM

R. Anthony Hodge is President of the International Council of Mining and Metals (ICMM), which brings together 22 global mining and metals companies to address the challenges around sustainable development. Throughout his career in academia, the private sector, and civil society organizations, Anthony has focused on the practical application of sustainability ideas. GlobeScan Chairman Doug Miller recently interviewed Anthony to gain insight on the value ICMM puts on stakeholder intelligence to help build recognized leadership in an uncertain world. How … “GlobeScan Dialogue: Recognizing Leaders | R. Anthony Hodge, ICMM”

The Strategic Importance of Recognized Leadership

The need for corporate leadership has never been more acute. We are grappling with large scale global challenges – think climate change, social cohesion and economic inequality – that require a new type of leadership from truly global entities. Governments appear unwilling or unable to lead. Civil society, while highly engaged, does not have the scale or infrastructure to deliver the required change. Despite low levels of societal trust, all roads lead to more committed and effective leadership by business … “The Strategic Importance of Recognized Leadership”

Understanding Views on Business – GlobeScan Radar Infographic and Sector Intelligence Reports

In uncertain and volatile times, global organizations need greater insight on how to better manage risks and capitalize on opportunities, build trust with their stakeholders and society, and exert a greater influence in shaping their external context. Faced with these challenges, what can those charged with managing companies and their reputation do to stay ahead of the game? To help equip corporate leaders to take on these challenges, we are publishing 14 sector intelligence reports (covering Automotive, Banking, Beer, Chemical, Clothing, Electricity, Food, IT/Tech, Media and Entertainment, Mining, Oil and Petroleum, Pharmaceutical, Supermarkets, and … “Understanding Views on Business – GlobeScan Radar Infographic and Sector Intelligence Reports”

GlobeScan Dialogue: Recognizing Leaders | Gabi Zedlmayer, HP

Gabi Zedlmayer, Vice President and Chief Progress Officer, drives HP’s Living Progress initiatives that help improve the communities we serve aligned with HP’s business strategy. She leads a global team of experts focused on solving social and environmental issues in collaboration with non-profit organizations, governments, customers and partners. Her goal is to create solutions that improve communities and advance human, economic and environmental progress. GlobeScan co-CEO Chris Coulter recently interviewed Gabi to gain insight on the value HP puts on … “GlobeScan Dialogue: Recognizing Leaders | Gabi Zedlmayer, HP”