Webinar on SDG Progress: Survey Highlights from GlobeScan and the SustainAbility Institute by ERM

Five and a half years after the adoption of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs or the Goals), findings from a new report Evaluating Progress on the SDGs by GlobeScan and the SustainAbility Institute by ERM show that sustainability practitioners continue to report poor progress towards each of the 17 Goals. On March 31 we hosted a webinar to discuss findings of this assessment of nearly 500 experts on progress toward the SDGs. Following a short overview of the study’s … “Webinar on SDG Progress: Survey Highlights from GlobeScan and the SustainAbility Institute by ERM”

Is COVID-19 Slowing Progress Toward the SDGs? Yes, Say Experts.

As we move into a crucial decade of action on achieving serious progress on sustainability, many are hoping the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent economic recession will serve to reset our priorities toward a greener future in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). However, many experts are not optimistic about the possibility of a green recovery. Over half of sustainability professionals believe that COVID-19 instead will slow the rate of progress toward achieving the SDGs, according to a new … “Is COVID-19 Slowing Progress Toward the SDGs? Yes, Say Experts.”

Insight of the Week: Experts Rate Society’s Performance Poorly in Achieving the SDGs, Especially Goal #10

Experts Rate Society’s Performance Poorly in Achieving the SDGs, Especially Goal #10 Society’s Performance on the Sustainable Development Goals % of Experts, 2021 Experts continue to rate progress on each individual SDG as mostly negative, with majorities rating progress as poor on ten of the 17 Goals. Progress on Reduced Inequalities, Life on Land, and Life Below Water is rated especially negatively. The Goals with the most positive progress include Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure and Partnerships for the Goals. This assessment … “Insight of the Week: Experts Rate Society’s Performance Poorly in Achieving the SDGs, Especially Goal #10”

Insight of the Week: Corporate Responsibility is Highly Motivating for Employees

Corporate Responsibility is Highly Motivating for Employees The More Responsible My Company Is, the More Motivated I Am, “Strongly Agree” and “Somewhat Agree,” Average of 19 Countries,* 2002–2020, Subsample: Corporate Employees** More than ever, corporate responsibility is having an impact on employees’ motivation and loyalty. For employees at large companies, over nine in ten say they feel more motivated and more loyal because of their employers’ efforts to be socially and environmentally responsible. This is especially high among: Younger generations Those with … “Insight of the Week: Corporate Responsibility is Highly Motivating for Employees”

Panel Discussion and Online Forum on Addressing Gender Inequality in the Workplace

To honor International Women’s Day 2021, Natura &Co (Avon, Natura, The Body Shop, and Aesop) and GlobeScan hosted a panel discussion and online forum on Addressing Gender Inequality in the Workplace and discussed how to make greater progress on SDG5. During this innovative dialogue we focused our discussion on how to accelerate progress on gender inequality and how women can be better supported in the workplace. We started with an expert panel discussion led by Alys Key from The i … “Panel Discussion and Online Forum on Addressing Gender Inequality in the Workplace”

Webinar | Materiality and Beyond: Unlocking Strategic Value and Impact

Materiality assessments have been one of the most fundamental tools of corporate sustainability management in the last two decades. It initially grew out of – and is still closely associated with – reporting and disclosure, with the rise of ESG acting as a timely imperative to make materiality more strategic. It also provides a means of gauging stakeholder expectations, acting as a basis for decision-making. GlobeScan has been working with leading organizations globally to deliver evidence-led materiality assessments, and we … “Webinar | Materiality and Beyond: Unlocking Strategic Value and Impact”

Recognizing Leaders: John Scanlon, Global Initiative to End Wildlife Crime and The Elephant Protection Initiative Foundation

John Scanlon’s career, spanning 30+ years in international and national nature conservation, started in private legal practice as an environmental lawyer. He has worked for the International Union for Conservation of Nature, best known for its IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, and with the UN Environment Programme. He was Secretary-General for eight years of CITES, one of the world’s oldest international environmental agreements, after which he joined African Parks as its first Special Envoy. African Parks has pioneered the … “Recognizing Leaders: John Scanlon, Global Initiative to End Wildlife Crime and The Elephant Protection Initiative Foundation”

New Survey of Experts Finds COVID-19 Pandemic Risks Slowing Progress Towards the Sustainable Development Goals

25 February 2021 – Five and a half years after the adoption of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs or the Goals) and their ambition to ensure a better and sustainable future for all, findings from a new report “Evaluating Progress on the SDGs” by GlobeScan and The SustainAbility Institute by ERM show that sustainability practitioners continue to report poor progress towards each of the 17 Goals. Additionally, over half of experts surveyed believe that the COVID-19 pandemic will further slow the … “New Survey of Experts Finds COVID-19 Pandemic Risks Slowing Progress Towards the Sustainable Development Goals”

Recognizing Leaders: Mahesh Pratap Singh, Flipkart

Flipkart first started operations in 2007, and, since then, has almost single-handedly driven the adoption of e-commerce in India. Starting with books, Flipkart today offers 150 million products across 80+ categories, has a registered customer base of over 300 million, and delivers across all 20,000+ pin codes in India. The levers Flipkart has used to scale the e-commerce industry are innovation and technology. GlobeScan’s India Director Anup Guruvugari spoke with Mahesh Pratap Singh the Head of Sustainability and Social Responsibility … “Recognizing Leaders: Mahesh Pratap Singh, Flipkart”

Insight of the Week: Experts’ Perceptions of Business Performance on Sustainable Development Are Trending Down

Experts’ Perceptions of Business Performance on Sustainable Development Are Trending Down​ Performance on Contribution to Sustainable Development % of Experts, “Excellent” (4+5), 2012–2020 Expert perceptions of the private sector’s contribution to sustainable development have dropped after peaking in 2018, placing business among the lowest-rated institutions but ahead of national governments. Meanwhile, positive expert assessment of citizen-led movements has strengthened over the past two years. NGOs continue to be the most positively viewed by sustainability professionals in terms of their work … “Insight of the Week: Experts’ Perceptions of Business Performance on Sustainable Development Are Trending Down”