In my previous post, I discussed the importance of understanding the external operating environment for best practice reputation management. It is equally important that companies understand the internal operating environment, to understand which approaches to reputation management will work best within the company’s culture. For a reputation management strategy to be successful and sustainable, it is critical that there be cross-functional buy-in and engagement across the business – people need to believe in the process and see reputation as “everyone’s … “Is your company aligned and are you asking the right questions?”
Drawn from our new brief, Building Resilient Corporate Reputations, this new blog series explores best-practice solutions to common challenges and shortcomings of corporate reputation management. Whether you need to begin, to evaluate or to re-design your reputation management system, the brief and blog series will help you to assess how fit-for-purpose your current reputation approach may be. Femke de Man, Director, Reputation, introduces the findings in the video below. As society becomes more globally interconnected and expectations of business increase and expand … “What are the best practice solutions to improve reputation management systems?”
The final blog in our series on stakeholder engagement (part 1 | part 2) looks at the psychosocial factors that underlie group brain storming, and why collaborative forums are emerging as an effective tool for business. We know that collaboration between individuals is particularly effective when attempting to generate unique and constructive solutions to problems. Group brainstorming has been shown to produce more high quality and relevant ideas compared to individual efforts1, 2. Exposure to others’ ideas has been shown … “Why are online Collaboration Forums effective for engaging stakeholders?”
We’re starting this week’s blog with a brief history of stakeholder engagement on corporate responsibility. Looking back to the eighties, corporate stakeholder engagement on sustainability was initially oriented towards governments and environmental compliance. Push-back on infrastructure and development from communities was the main catalyst for public consultations, which were largely local, box-ticking exercises. As we moved into the 1990s, the rise of a more empowered civil society culminated with the Battle of Seattle protests at the WTO meeting as the … “What is the future of stakeholder engagement?”
The first blog in our series on stakeholder engagement starts with the basics – why does stakeholder engagement matter? We’ve identified three key trends that help answer this question and give direction on how business can gain more value from stakeholder relations. First, companies are having to manage the rapidly changing dynamics of the relationship between business and society. They are being increasingly compelled to engage in dialogue and collaborate with their stakeholders, rather than simply communicating to them. While … “Why does stakeholder engagement matter?”
This GlobeScan Stakeholder Intelligence eBrief explores the issues and reputation affecting the IT industry, drawing on a decades worth of public opinion research.
This GlobeScan Stakeholder Intelligence eBrief explores the issues and reputation affecting the pharmaceutical industry, drawing on a decades worth of public opinion research.
At GlobeScan, a significant amount of our work is carried out with sustainability practitioners. In our conversations with clients and respondents alike, we see many companies cited as examples of best practice in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). In the course of these conversations, it can be easy to lose sight of the fact that vindication of successful sustainability should come in the form of public recognition. As can be seen, significant numbers of survey respondents around the world cannot or … “Large numbers remain unable or unwilling to name a socially responsible company”
At the end of last week, Twitter announced that 250,000 of its users had had their passwords stolen in a cyber attack on the company. Though just a fraction of the social media site’s 200 million users, the episode illustrates how the social media boom has increased the potential for personal details to fall into the wrong hands. Such controversies may explain why respect for the IT industry is falling. Though still the most highly regarded industry among those GlobeScan … “Despite privacy controversies, IT industry’s reputation is on solid ground”
GlobeScan’s four practice leaders sat down to identify key trends to watch out for in 2013 in the areas of reputation, brand, sustainability and engagement. See the top three trends each have identified across GlobeScan’s core areas of expertise. Corporate reputation management, while constantly evolving, is set to undergo even greater changes in the next few years. The following trends are likely to drive this accelerated evolution. Femke de Man Director, Reputation Practice Lead Read Bio | Email Femke … “2013 GlobeScan Practice Area Trends”