M&S Stakeholder Transparency Study Highlights This is the last blog post of a series of three uncovering key insights from the recent stakeholder study on transparency that GlobeScan conducted for Marks & Spencer (M&S). After defining what corporate transparency really means and assessing the state of corporate performance in this area, we are now closing our blog series with a deep dive into M&S’ response to the survey findings. Here are three ways in which M&S is using stakeholder feedback … “Three Ways M&S Is Improving Its Transparency”
Following our first blog post in which we drew on the Marks & Spencer (M&S) Stakeholder Transparency Study findings to define what transparency really is, we are now delving deeper into the stakeholder findings to assess how transparent large companies are perceived to be today. There is a strong business case for corporate transparency. Benefits of transparency clearly outweigh the risks. When asked to list them, online survey respondents cited nearly one-third more benefits than risks. In today’s wired world, … “M&S Stakeholder Transparency Study Highlights: How Transparent are Global Companies Today?”
We recently had the opportunity to conduct a stakeholder study on transparency for the Plan A team at Marks & Spencer (M&S). Combining an online survey with global stakeholders and a series of in-depth interviews with a selected group of experts, the study aimed to identify stakeholder expectations on transparency and help M&S prioritise its transparency efforts. In this first of a series of three short blogposts, we are drawing on the survey findings to define the notion of transparency. … “M&S Stakeholder Transparency Study Highlights: Corporate Transparency Defined”
I was delighted to attend the Start Network’s annual conference Start for Change. During the event, we announced a new partnership between Start Network and GlobeScan, aiming to make progress toward the creation of a global humanitarian aid movement and to make strides toward enhanced engagement with stakeholders. The Start Network focusses on collaboration within the humanitarian aid system across three areas: Financing for emergency response (Start Fund) Strengthen civil society capacity (Start Build) Innovation through partnerships and learning (Start Beta) … “Start for Change: Collaboration to Future-Proof the Humanitarian System”
During the May 7th webinar, Robert Blood from SIGWATCH, along with Chris Coulter and I, discussed the changing place of NGOs in the mix of strategic stakeholders (click here for the full recording and presentation slides from the webinar). As Chris proved, stakeholder engagement has solidified its position as a strategic management tool for companies that are serious about thriving in our overpopulated, uncertain and volatile world. He convincingly made the case that there is an expectation that these collaborations … “Three Reasons Why NGOs Have Lost Some Attractiveness as Partners for Companies”
Nigel Topping is the CEO of We Mean Business – a coalition of organisations working on climate change with thousands of the world’s most influential businesses and investors. Previously, Nigel was Executive Director of CDP (formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project). GlobeScan co-CEO Chris Coulter recently interviewed Nigel to gain insight on the value We Mean Business puts on stakeholder intelligence to help build recognized leadership in an uncertain world. From your perspective, what are the most pressing challenges facing the … “Recognizing Leaders: Nigel Topping, We Mean Business”
Consumer engagement is now the primary focus of green marketing – harnessing the innate CSR values that most consumers have and creatively engaging them to actively purchase from brands and companies that have differentiated, positive CSR performance, write William Ratcliffe of Collected Conscience and Chris Coulter of GlobeScan in a recent article for WARC’s Admap magazine. This article outlines three best practice strategies for engaging with consumers on issues around sustainability and the environment, at a time when people have … “Consumer Engagement is Now the Primary Focus of Green Marketing”
On May 28th, GlobeScan and SustainAbility hosted a webinar to discuss the results of the 2015 edition of the GSS Sustainability Leaders Report. After 21 years, the GlobeScan/Sustainability Leaders Report is the longest-running survey of its kind examining experts’ views of the current state of sustainability leadership. In our latest survey, we analyzed the viewpoints of over 800 sustainability experts to answer a number of pressing questions, including: Which companies, NGOs and national governments do experts believe are leading the sustainability agenda? … “Webinar Recap: The 2015 GlobeScan/SustainAbility Leaders Report”
GlobeScan and SustainAbility are delighted to invite you to a webinar on May 28th @ 11am New York / 4pm London time to discuss the results of the 2015 edition of the GSS Sustainability Leaders Report. After 21 years, the GlobeScan/Sustainability Leaders Report is the longest-running survey of its kind examining experts’ views of the current state of sustainability leadership. In our latest survey, we analyze the viewpoints of over 800 sustainability experts to answer a number of pressing questions, … “Upcoming Webinar: The 2015 GlobeScan/SustainAbility Leaders Report”
Petra Laux is the Head of Global Public and Government Affairs at Novartis, a position she assumed in 2006. In this role, she creates strategy and overseas implementation of all public and government affairs activities for the Novartis Group of companies, including the divisions Pharmaceuticals, Alcon, and Sandoz. GlobeScan co-CEO Christophe Guibeleguiet recently interviewed Petra to gain insight on the value Novartis puts on stakeholder intelligence to help build recognized leadership in an uncertain world. You have been with Novartis … “Recognizing Leaders: Petra Laux, Novartis”